Reunion (1/4)

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Many, many years ago G'Tani and T'Quia had a daughter named T'kita. T'kita was different from every other child in Wakanda; she had light blue eyes and long, light brown that surprisingly compliments her mocha colored skin. These traits were not all that common in Wakanda, so they called her die uniekd een; or in other words, the unique one.

Once T'kita was of age to go to school, she met T'Challa. He was slumped over as he sat on the end of the slide during recess. His gaze fell onto the lively green grass and stayed there. All the other kids made friends and played with them. T'Challa and T'kita were the antisocial ones not only in their grade, in their families.

There T'kita stood, leaning against the concrete post of the school. The musk of earth and floral nectar danced through the air on a small breeze. The bright afternoon sun shined brightly in the sky.

She folded her skinny arms across her chest as she scans the bundle of happy kids in front of her. Correction: not all of the kids were happy and nice; there were some kids who have nothing better to do with their young lives besides pick on those who are smaller than them.

T'kita's eyes narrowed as she sees a group of four abnormally large seven year olds making their way to T'Challa.

"Hey punk, that's my slide." One of the boys says.

"Oh, my sorry. I can move." T'Challa responds with his high pitched voice and thick accent.

Another boy lifts T'Challa off of the ground by his collar.

"Look at you, the son of the king. You are weak and small, how can you expect to lead this country without common strength?" The boy asks.

"I don't want any problem, p-please put me down." T'Challa says as he tried to loosen the boys grasp on his shirt.

"'P-please put me down.'" The main boy taunts.

All of the boys laugh at T'Challa's lack of strength. Nobody said to did anything to help him, so T'kita decided to take matters into her own hands.

The boy drops T'Challa onto the floor and winds his leg back to kick him in the stomach. T'kita grabbed his leg just in time and pulled the boy down to the ground.

"Hey! What are you doing, die uniekd een?" The main boy asks her.

"I'm protecting an innocent boy from bullies like you!" T'kita says as she points a accusing finger.

He steps forwards in attempt to intimidate her. Little did he know that T'kita's father is the teacher of elite battle techniques.

"You don't scare me." She states as she steps closer to the boy.

"You should be," the boys says before he winds his arm back to hit her.

T'kita catches the boys hand and keep his arm in place as she throws him to the ground. One of the boys rushed to kick T'Challa, but T'Kita made an 'x' with her arms and blocked his kick with the outer edge of her arms. She lifted his leg up and watched as he flips onto his back.

The two other boys were wimps and backed away from the fight. T'kita extends her hand to T'Challa and helps him up. He brushes himself off and looks up at her with his large, chocolate brown eyes.

"He is the son of our king, we should treat him with some respect!" T'kita announces to the everyone in her grade.

To prove her point, T'kita goes down on one knee and place a hand over her arm across her chest. She bows her head and says:

"My Prince."

Soon after, everybody else mimics her actions and collectively says:

"My Prince."

T'kita sent the bullies a glare and they immediately started to kneel. T'Challa signaled her to rise and she complied.

"Thank you, die uniekd een." He says.

"Please, call me T'kita." She says as she extends her hand.

"T'Challa," He states as he shakes her hand.

They both exchange a warm smile, which soon became the beginning of a long friendship.

** skip to when they are eight years old**

"Taki! Taki! Papa taught me how to fight!" T'Challa states as he walks into T'Kita's house.

"Watch," T'Challa says before he does a double roundhouse strike on the doorframe.

He did one trike to the head and another strike to the chest as he release his warrior cry. T'kita hears the wood crack slightly before she says:

"Chi, don't take it out on the door!"

"Give me a break, Taki. I'm excited, I can beat you in a fight now." He states.

"Are you sure about that?" T'kita says with a small smirk tugging on her lips.

"Fine, then let's find out." She adds before walking out of the door.

T'Challa follows her to an open field where they can spar.

"Use self control, okay?" He says before he goes into his fighting stance.

T'kita smiles before she goes into a jumping side kick. T'Challa blocks her kick and she climbs kick him twice in the solar plexus before backflipping off of him. She lands back into a fighting stance and motions him to strike first. He jumps into a roundhouse kick and slid into a back kick. She block with the outer edge of her arms and flip him onto his back.

"Taki, I said self control!" He says, holding his back as he stands.

"I am using self control." She says innocently.

"T'kita Muobo?" A deep voice says, causing T'kita to stop mid-kick.

"Yes?" She says in a defensive tone.

"Your parents are requesting your presence at the palace. You as well, Prince T'Challa." The solider says

T'Challa and T'kita exchange a look before saying:


The solider escorts them to the laboratory of the palace, where T'kita parents were conversing with the scientists. Once they notice T'kita's appearance, their conversation came to a halt.

"Taki-can I call you Taki?" One of the scientists asks.

"You can call her T'kita, only I call her Taki." T'Challa says as he steps in front of T'Kita.

"T'Challa, be nice to the scientists." King T'Chaka reprimands.

"What do you want with her?" T'Challa asks.

"T'Challa!" King warns again.

This time T'Challa silences and retreats to his father's side.

"T'kita, you are a very unique Wakandan. You are the first person to have natural light blue eyes and light brown hair. My colleagues and I think that because of your recessive genes, you are the key to making our first Wakandan humanoid weapon." The scientist states.

"Papa?" T'kita says.

"It's okay, Taki. They promised to stop the experiments if it starts to threaten your life. Everything will be alright." G'Tani says as he places a hand on her shoulder.

She looks up at him with worried eyes; T'Challa did the same thing to his father.

"Everything is going to be alright."

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