"Thank the gods for Ewoks though."

"And that you're a great shot with a blaster. Your quick thinking also was a good thing."

"Those Scouts came out of nowhere. I was glad Wickett was there. He helped get me out of that jam."

"Yeah, but the little critters got us into one. Good thing 3PO was convincing enough or you would have been eating me as the main course." He laughed. She giggled as she remembered how he looked, hands and feet tied to a log and being set over the soon-to-be fire.

      They were almost to the outside of the base when they passed the last building that was part of the base. It was where he and Leia had the most intense moments during the Battle of Endor. It was the Shield Generator. They had been trying to lay charges into it so they could blow it up when Imperial troops ran in and their Captain called them "Rebel Scum" then captured them. 

      A few feet off to the side of them was where they and the Rebel troops were surrounded by about forty Imperial Stormtroopers and Scouts. Han turned his head and looked at the door. That's where the scariest moment happened for him. The moment was scarier than when he found her helmet and feared the worst. 

    In front of that door was where he was trying to hotwire the door after R2 short-circuited when he attempted to open the door. Leia was shooting back at the Stormtroopers when one of them shot her in the arm. She fell back in pain. Stormtroopers surrounded them, but Leia being the smart woman that she is, pulled out her hidden blaster and shot them.

Leia looked at the door and cringed a little. Han noticed as she gripped her arm.

"You okay?" he asked. She swallowed and nodded.

"It hurts again just thinking about it." She smiled.

"Let's see it." He said watching her pulling up her sleeves on her short sleeve shirt.

      There was a scar there from where it hit and Medical patched her up. He ran his fingers over it and felt it's odd texture. She laughed which caused him to laugh. It didn't hurt anymore. It just felt weird to her.

      They continued walking along, finally exiting the base. They walked for a while before they stopped and sat on a nearby log. After sitting for a little while, they got up and continued to walk. Han suddenly stopped and turned to Leia.

"Close your eyes." He said. She laughed.

"Han?! What's going on?"

"Just close your eyes."


"Now, don't open your eyes until I tell you to."

"Alright." She said with a laugh as he guided her along. Suddenly they stopped.

"Okay! Open your eyes." She opened her eyes and gasped, turning to Han.

"Oh, Han! Did you do this?" she said, smiling.

"Yes, I did. I contacted Madine and asked if they could set it up for us." He smiled.

      There in a clearing was a picnic set up for them. They sat down on the blanket and began taking the food and drinks out of the basket. They laughed and talked. They finished and laid down next to each other on the blanket. When it was an hour before sunset, they walked back. Holding hands as they walked through the forest, they watched the setting sun through the trees.

"Han, I've been thinking. Now, that we are retired, we could do whatever we want to. We can go where we want or do what we want whenever we want."

"I know that."

"We can even start a family whenever we want."

"So, that's what this is about." He said, smiling. She giggled.


"I like that idea." He said, kissing her. She smiled at him.

      They walked back to their hut just as it became dark out. They ate dinner with Madine and some of the troops. After dinner, they walked hand in hand up the tree and to their hut. Han watched her as she brushed her long hair. She saw him looking at her in the mirror.

"What?" she said.

"I like when you have your hair down."

"Thank you." She smiled, turning around. He had on a pair of shorts and no shirt. Leia walked over to him.

"And I like this." She said gesturing to the fact that he was shirtless.

"I remember, sweetheart." He smiled. She laughed then leaned in to kiss him. 

      She got in bed and he rolled over on top of her. She ran her hands down over his abs. He tossed off his shorts and shirt while she did the same. He laid back on top of her and they kissed deeply and passionately. They started with a slow rhythm, which gradually increased as they went. He kissed her neck, getting lost in each other. They got lost in the rhythm and they way they felt pressed against each other. A sensation coursed through them as they smiled at each other, enjoying the moment. They laid there beside each other breathless. He turned to face her and kissed her.

"I love you." She said.

"I know." He smiled. 


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