CHAPTER 26 * Anigra *

Start from the beginning

"Your highness, how may we be of service?" I didn't waste any time on formalities.

"Have the plant specialists already left the greenery?"

He took a second before answering. "Yes, your highness. If I may ask..."

I didn't let him finish, "How many people are registering in the greenery right now." I sounded a bit rushed.

He took more time to answer this time. "Only one. And that is your highness." He finally answered. I disconnected the call abruptly not letting myself feel relief just yet. I had to make sure she was in the apartment. I jogged back the way I came to the entrance. My heart was still beating faster than normal. I had to see her for myself. At the entrance to our apartment, I paused and took a deep breath. She has to be in there.

I walked in slowly. There was no one in the kitchen or the bedroom. I checked the closet and it was empty. I checked the bathroom, and it too was empty.

Where are you?

Just before heading to the control room to check the monitors myself, I checked our medical bay. She wasn't in there. I all but ran to the control room, I got in touch with Purit on the way.

"Control room, now!". I knew he would rush there just as I was doing right now.

After ten minutes, I was finally there. I cursed whoever suggested not having elevators or transporters of any sort. I walked in and everyone stopped what they were doing, stood up and bowed. Purit arrived shortly after I did. The head of security approached me.

"To what do we owe this..."

"Show me the monitors to the greenery as well as those showing the halls outside my private area."

He must have understood the urgency and without a word turned and led Purit and I to a room further back.

"The privacy of the royal family is of utmost importance. Only a select few are allowed to monitor your movements." He used a special key to open the door as he spoke. "In here, your highness." I walked in with Purit and the door closed behind us. There were various monitors in this room. A lot of them showed different areas of the greenery. I hadn't noticed any of the people sitting behind the monitors in my search for Victoria.

"These are the people handpicked to watch over the greenery and the outside of your private quarters, your highness." He said nervously.

I looked at the people he was referring to and was surprised at who I saw among them.

It was Anigra.

What the hell was she doing here.

Anigra was someone I didn't expect to ever see again. Yet here I was, looking at her bowed head. But now was not the time to reminisce. Show me footage of the greenery from this morning.

I stood behind the seated people who looked at the monitors. I could tell they were all uncomfortable in my presence. All except one, that is. They showed me the footage and I couldn't see Victoria in any of them. It didn't show her enter the greenery at all. Then where the hell was she? She was granted access to leave our private chambers, but she didn't even know she could leave.

"Show me footage to the outside of my apartment."

They did so without hesitation. "Purit, you left before she did?" I asked for confirmation.

"Yes, your highness."

"Speed it up to when he left." They did so and I saw Purit walk out. But I didn't see her follow. I watched the video until I saw myself walk in. She hadn't left.

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