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Not long after Isabella had made Hunter say he would ask his parents for help they went back up to bed, he sent them an email asking them to come and visit saying he hoped it wouldn't look too suspicious as he wasn't going to ask right away yet Isabella know the old King and Queen were not stupid - he never invited them back home, even Hunter admitted that, they would know something was wrong, he was going to use the excuse that he wanted them to meet Isabella before she had the babies since they couldn't even come to the wedding for some unknown reason.

Hunter picked a sleepy Isabella up bridal style and carried her back up to bed, she told him about the nightmare she had as she was forced to relive those moments from 4 months earlier, she could see the anger building on his face as he was forced to remember that day, the day he found his sister and best friend at deaths door and his mate not too far away from it either.

Despite this, Isabella felt comforting hands on her back circling round slowly and comfortingly, Hunter slid off Isabella's slippers and his jacket before undressing himself, he crawled into bed and pulled her close hoping to warn away the nightmares, it was no secret that when Hunter was close she was less likely to have nightmares, like he really was protecting her even when she slept.


When Isabella woke up the next morning, Hunter was still snoring softly beside her, while she was watching him sleep she noticed properly for the first time the dark bags around his eyes, the slight stubble that he hadn't found the time to shave and the crazy hair from pulling it so much from frustration. Yet Hunter still managed to take Isabella's breath away, despite this she knew she made him make a choice at the right time, he was becoming obsessed with her not being affected by silver and he either needed to stop looking into it or find the answers he so desperately wanted.

As if sensing that Isabella was watching him, soon enough Hunter's eyes were flickering slightly before they opened to reveal his big eyes, a small smile made its way onto his lips while Isabella returned it lovingly, she didn't know how she contained how much love she had for him, sometimes she felt like anymore and she would burst and yet everyday she seemed to love him even more.

"Hey" Hunter whispers, his voice thick with sleep "How are my girls?" 

"We're good, we were waiting for daddy to wake up" Isabella smiles deciding not to tease him about him calling the babies girls, he had convinced himself from around 6 months that these babies were a girl and nobody was able to change his mind 

Hunter rolls onto his stomach then slides down the bed so his head is directly in front of Isabella's swollen stomach, he presses his lips against her skin and one of his hands against her side 

"Not too long now my princesses, soon enough you will be ready to meet me and your mummy, the whole world can't wait to meet you either but not until you're ready, you'll be worth the wait" Hunter explains kissing Isabella's stomach again as she welled up watching him

Stupid Hormones!

"How are you feeling about seeing your parents?" Isabella asks once Hunter crawls back up beside her 

Hunter rolls his eyes slightly "Im super excited" he says in a monotonous voice, she knew it was because she was the one that had pressed for him to get in contact with them but she knew he wasn't truly annoyed at her 

"It'll be nice for you to see them" Isabella says brightly trying to make light of the situation but the miserable look on Hunter's face suddenly filled her with an anger she didn't know she was feeling 

"I have never known my parents - who knows why they left me but I have never had that chance for answers or to have a relationship with me. That was taken away from me without me have a choice.. they could be dead for all i know!" Isabella says a stray tear slipping out her eye which she furiously swipes away

"Bella..." Hunter starts but Isabella pushes him away and struggles but finally manages to get up and starts walking to the en suite 

"You know..." Isabella scoffs ".. My parents didn't even choose my name, I might never get to find out what they would've called me if they could've brought my up"

"Isabella, you don't understand!" Hunter says in an exasperated voice 

"Oh no I couldn't possible understand what it means to have parents!" Isabella yells her voice going shrill 

"You know I didn't mean that" Hunter says jumping up from the bed 

Without even thinking about what she was doing, Isabella picks up the closest thing to her which happened to be a hair brush, she threw it in Hunter's general direction luckily he managed to hold his hands up in time to block it while Isabella stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door shut, she was sobbing as she turned on the shower, pulled off her clothes and walked inside into the welcome heat.

Isabella wasn't even sure what was wrong, of course she had always wondered what the sitaution with her parents was but she just got on with it, she never let it upset it and she certaintly didn't feel like it was Hunter's fault so why had she just taken it out on him, he was right - she had no idea how his life had been, if he wasn't excited to see his parents then there would be a clear reason for this and yet not once had she actually sat down and asked him what that reason was. 

Letting the tears fall freely, Isabella didn't even hear the door creep open allowing Hunter to slide in who was removing his clothes as he went until he finally walked into the shower behind Isabella, he wrapped his arms around her stomach and rested his head on her shoulder, she knew he must be leaning right down to be at her level but it felt nice even though she couldn't bring herself to say anything to him.

"It's okay" Hunter says over the roaring shower, he knew Isabella well enough to sense her inner turmoil

"No it isn't" Isabella sighs turning round to face him "I shouldn't have treated you like that... it isn't your fault, I guess now that I'm preparing to become a mother myself I couldn't understand why anybody could let there child go - was I really that hard to love?" 

"Oh Bella" Hunter sighs pulling her into his arms or as much as his could with her large stomach in between them "How about, once all this is over we find out about your parents?"

"But how will you find anything out? There isn't anything to go off of" Isabella shrugs resting her head on Hunter's chest above his heart, her favourite place to have her head

"Who knows, this could bring up so many answers for you and could lead us to your parents - I won't rest until I make you happy" Hunter says kissing the tip of Isabella's nose 

"You do make me happy" Isabella says smiling up at him "Your parents may be the key to everything"

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