Chapter 5

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I wake up to complete silence this morning. So naturally I panic at the thought of the absence of the small child that usually is shrieking to be freed from her cot prison. I get up out of bed to check my phone. I can't believe it when i see it's almost noon. I walk over to the cot to find no Darcy. I exit my room to find someone, anyone that can tell me what is going on.

As I enter my brother Harry's room I see a sight that I haven't seen in a while. Harry is playing xbox.. with Darcy. It's unbelievably cute to have my 20 year old brother playing xbox with my daughter and I just smile at Harry when our eyes contact. I turn out from the room and head downstarirs. After I make some toast I go back upstairs and check my phone remembering about my date tonight. I also have a text from Mum.

'Hi Lottie, it's Mum and Dad. We have gone to Inverness to visit your auntie Maginus so we won't be home until tomorrow night. Love M&D x'

The first thing that pops into my head is what I am going to do about Darcy tonight when I go out with Calum. I reall don't want to have to cancel on him so I really hope I can find someone to look after her.

After texting about seven different people I am starting to panic and get anxious about wether I will be able to go out with Calum or not. No one is free to watch Darcy tonight and I can't just abandon her. I was just about to text Calum to tell him how sorry I was and that we should go out another time when-

"Are you sure you don't want me to come round?" I hear Harry's voice come round the corner.

He's on the phone to his girlfriend Lassie from what I can hear. I have gathered so far that she is ill and has cancelled whatever plans they had for that night.

When Harry comes off the phone he comes into my room carrying Darcy. He looks somewhat disappointed.

"What's up?" I say before taking Darcy from him as she wraps her tiny little arms around me in a tight hug. Harry smiles at her before answering my question.

"Lassie, she's not feeling too good and she doesn't want company tonight. All of my mates will be with their girlfriends and you Mum and Dad are out so i'll just be in the house alone... I guess that's cool and all but it gets kind of boring, I don't know.." He says trailing off. I have a great idea but decide against vocalising it because i'm not sure how Darcy would cope. My answer is given to me when she outstretches her arms to Harry and he pulls her from me. I smile at her huge grin that is mirrored by my brothers.

"Haaarrrryyy...." I say innocently in the sweetest voice I can do.

"What do you want?" He says raising his eyebrows suspiciously.

"Um... Could you..? I mean... It would only be for a few hours and... I don't want to... I can't cancel on Cal-" I am interrupted with Harry's loud tone.

"Yes." He simply says before turning and going to walk off with Darcy.

"Do you even-"

"Yes, I will look after my gorgeous little niece for you while you go out tonight." He says with a smirk.

"HARRY! Thank you so much! You have no idea how thankful I am for you right now!" I say before cancelling my text to Calum that I luckily didn't send yet.

So, I was now going on this date tonight. I was super excited for it and I was especially excited to see Calum again. There was something about him... I couldn't pick it out but I just had a feeling that it was going to be a good night and that it would create a great friendship if not... more?

I decide to get my things ready for tonight. After trying on a million different outfits I finally decide on one. I wear my denim shorts and my white floaty crop top. I get into the shower and when I get out I get dressed and do my hair and makeup. My hair is just straightened and I have a daisy chain head band on. I have done my makeup really simply just like how I did for Ash's party.

Before I know it's half past six and i'm freaking out. I'm all ready for Calum to pick me up when all the worries come to my head. What if he doesn't show? What if he forgot? What if he changed his mind? What if it was just a joke?

My fears are pushed bak when I hear the doorbell ring.

I walk to the door as I take a deep breath and calm myself before I open the door to find him there.


Okay so it's been A G E S since I last updated but no one is actually reading so I guessed I could just take my time. I actually have a few chapters written and saved, they just haven't been published quite yet. I am still doing this story, and I know exactly where it's going. If you're enjoying it so far, cool and I hope you read on. If not, that's cool too. It gets better 😉☺️

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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