19. We go in Circles

Start from the beginning

Arrogant much? she thought.

He reached for the knot and tried to remove it but ended up making it worse. He tried a couple times but gave up in the end.

He huffed, "go on."

The tips of Belle's lips raised lightly."You know," she said as she started undoing the dozen knots she had put on the cloth, "some people need plasters not only for their wounds but for their wounded pride too."

He scoffed, "why are you telling me that?"

"I don't know," she said shrugging. "Just wanted to share my opinion."

She smirked knowing it would infuriate him now.

"Your opinion sucks more than the star wars plot," he said through gritted teeth.

"My bad!" she said smiling but it faded off the instance the cloth unwinded and the gash opened up. "Now you've got it bad."

"What?" he asked, confused.

"I mean your wound," she clarified. "It looks pretty bad."

She was lying, it didn't look pretty bad, it looked like a homicidal attack.

"Hm," he said, casually. "Stitches?"

"Yea, uh, I don't know," she stammered. "Maybe we should go to the doc."

"No!" he said sternly. "I told you I can look after myself fine."

"And the last time it didn't end well," she said under her breath, making sure it was indistinct but distinct enough for him to hear.

He stood up abruptly and walked to the kitchen.

"Careful," she said, worriedly. But he didn't care to reply back. When he returned, he had a white box in his hand.

She was curious to know what was inside but retained herself the embarrassment of asking what it was, knowing beforehand what the outcome would be.

He sat back on the chair, opposite to Belle and handed her the box. She obediently took and opened it. Her once palpable excitement deflated like a balloon upon seeing what was inside. Medical supplements, syringes, needles, bandages, cotton balls, creams: an upgraded version of a first aid box.

She wanted to do one thing: run away.

"Stitch for me?" he asked and there came the feared question. She couldn't say no, being the ultimate reason for his current condition, and he didn't want a no.

She sighed and smiled, "time to nurse mode. Guidance please?"

He nodded. She placed the box on the table and walked behind him.

Seeing the affected area, her face scrunched in disgust and guilt. Well, I guess this is where the saying goes, what goes around comes around, she thought.

"Wetten the cotton balls and dab it against the cut," he said. Cut? More like a hole. She obliged and did as she was told, ignoring her inner mind.

"Think about it Matt," she said. "We could still try the doctor. It's not too late."

She didn't get a response and knowing where her opinion ended(probably in the drain), she got to work. His instructions were precise and surprisingly she found herself enjoying the stitch up.

She made sure that there was minimal physical contact between the two. Whenever the ends of his black hair pricked her hand softly, she would get these weird tingling sensation that was in one way comforting. She realised that she was also panicking and flinching more than the victim himself did.

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