Author's Note

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Hola Amigos!!

First and foremost, thank you for giving my book a chance. Like seriously man it's so awesome*giggling*. I don't know if you stumbled, or maybe even tripped falling to my book so yet a thankyou.

Next in line, all characters and incidents come straight away from my messed up labyrinth of a brain. Yes it's twisted and psychotic.

Any characters, incidents and events (both are same lol) are purely fictitious.

Any resemblance to characters, living or dead, oh and also undead (you never know even vampires are real these days) are purely*sprinkling holy water*coincidental. I swear by the Heavens that I'm not a culprit.

No animals were harmed during the making, scratch that, writing of this book. Save for pesky mosquitoes, ants and anything that doesn't scare the living shit out of me. And also small.

Warning*alarms ringing*: This story touches on sensitive subjects like depression, rejection and self harm. Most importantly suicide which is common, as morning coffee to the youth. I want to convey a message to this world, to those who 'think' their worth is no more than the size of a pea; if the world deemed you worthless, you wouldn't have been born. Yea I know I'm not a really good poet but just wanted to say to all those beautiful souls ending their lives recklessly, you're worthy of a life. That's all!!!

[update: 4/2/18] Plot will be slightly changed. Hope you enjoy the new one just the way you liked the old one.Just

Reads🙆....Let's see,

1K [♥]
5K [I'm coming for you babe 😎]
10K[I'll see you sooooon]
50K[Painfully late ]
100K[no words]
500K[hmmm, you are far far far away my friend]
1M [*snort* *cough* *choke* I'm dead]

Hope you enjoy reading:-)

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