Chapter Four

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"Why would they do that?"

"I don't know."

"Listen, Emma, I'm sorry if I've interfered . . ."

I broke away from Johnny's gaze and watched the lunch lines towards the front of the cafeteria. I had spotted Johnny sitting alone at one of the empty tables near the back. I had sat down next to him, taking the opportunity to speak to him again. He claimed he had been waiting for Ponyboy, though he was taking an awful lot of time to get his food. If that was the case, the lines must've been extremely filled up.

I had been telling Johnny the latest drama involving Cherry and Raquel. The black haired hoodlum was still watching me when I turned back around to face him.

"I didn't mean to get you away from your friends," he started again worriedly, only to find himself interrupted.

"You had nothing to do with it. Calm down. They'll learn."

I exchanged an it'll-all-be-okay type of expression with him just as Ponyboy came jogging up with a lunch tray in his right hand and his other balled up in a tight fist.

"Hey, Johnnycake. Hey, Emma," he breathed, slouching down in a seat in front of Johnny and me.

"It's about time," Johnny teased, playfully nudging Ponyboy's shoulder from across the table.

Pony answered with a grunt.

"You ain't a woofin'," he grumbled.

Lunch went by pretty fast after that. Pony, Johnny and I talked amongst each other nonstop, the time flying by quicker than it normally did. And before I knew it, the fights and arguments involving my two Soc friends were already being pushed to the very back of my mind.


"Want a cigarette, man?"

The rest of the day had gone by faster than a snap, too. Ponyboy had opened a pack of cigarettes and tossed one to Johnny just as I approached from the school building. He had been carrying a lighter, as well; he thrust it out of his back pocket and flicked on the flame. It was then when they saw me coming. I greeted them with a friendly wave and a tiny smile.

Suddenly, I began to have my doubts.

What am I doing? They probably thought that I was some sort of clingy maniac. I sighed at the nerve-wracking theory and found myself pause in my footsteps. Did they actually want me there?

I had hesitated one too many seconds. Just as I was about to step forward and reach them once and for all, another large figure stepped in my way, shouldering me away from the two boys.


I shifted my gaze to meet his, coming to find out it was Bob. Bob Sheldon. His hair was brushed into small curls, and his plaid outfit gave way to him being a Soc and all.

"What is it?" I raised my voice, trying to portray a confident tone since he was leaning over me and I had found myself slightly cowering away.

"Your friends, they want to talk to you. Cherry and Raquel."


"I dunno. They said it's important, and that you should get back with them ASAP."

Of course. Everything always came back to the problems, the sticky situations. I found myself in a dangerous mood.

I shot a frown up at Cherry's boyfriend and asked him, "Did they send you to tell me this?"

He cocked an eyebrow and simply answered, "Yes."

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