The talk

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Y/n's mom POV
July 18th
First thing I did when I got up this morning was wait for y/n to wake up that way mpwe could have talk over breakfast about last night . It was 10:00 am and he/she still hasn't woken up yet so I was thinking that maybe he/she is just purposely not coming out because he/she doesn't want to get in trouble so I went into he/she's room to see what you were doing and she saw that you were still sleeping so I made some of my delicious chocolate chip pancakes and then I saw you come running out of your bedroom like a vulture once you smelled the pancakes and then I gave you some pancakes and you didn't want to tell me what had happened last night but to evoid the question you put a piece of your pancakes in your mouth and then so you would stop evoiding the question I took your pancakes that way you couldn't put anymore in your mouth which made have to answer the question you didn't tell me he truth about what had happened last night so I phoned Jack's mom. She told me what had happened and then i got really mad and told her that you can't just sneak out and go into their basement and watch tv all day that is totally not cool. I told him/her to go and apologize to his mom and also Jack when she did she came home and asked me to go back over to Jack's house I had to let him because this time he/ she actually asked me to go too his house.
Jack's mom POV
This morning I had to ask Jack what had happened last night and he was truthful to me because he knows that if he lies that he will get into very deep trouble. Then I heard the phone ringing and it was y/n's mom she had asked me what had happened last night and I told her and she thanked me and told me that y/n would be in big trouble so I told Jack that maybe y/n could come over with Jeremy if its ok with his/ her mom and then I heard the doorbell ring so I rushed to see who it was and then I realized that it was y/n and then I asked what was wrong and she had to give us an apology from coming here with out my permission and she also had to apologize to Jack for getting in trouble she apologized and went back home and I told her to ask her/his mom to see if she would let her come over to hang out for a bit and then she came running back because her/his mom let her/him come over.
Jack's POV
I woke up this morning and I ate my breakfast and then immediately my mom started to ask me questions about last night I had to tell her the truth if I didn't want to get in really deep trouble then we heard the phone ringing and then my mom answered and she told y/n's mom about what had happened and then I asked her why she would do something like that and then she said because if I didn't tell her what had happened you probably would never be aloud to hang out with her again then I forgave her and then I heard the doorbell ring and then I answered the door and then it was y/n and he/she was here to apologize to my and to me for getting me in trouble and for coming here without any permission at all. We forgave and then my mom told her/him to ask their mom to see if we could hang out together she said yes and then y/n came running back and his/her mom let them come to hang out with me and Jeremy.
Y/n's POV
I had woke up around 9:30 this is but I didn't want to get up this is because my mom wants to have a talk about last night so every tome she walked by I would close my eyes that way she didn't see that I was faking sleeping she wanted me to wake up so she made my favourite kind of pancakes chocolate chip!! My mom knew that if I was fake sleeping that I would get up right away to get the pancakes. So when I smelt the pancakes I bolted out of my room to eat my pancakes and then she started to ask me the question about what I was doing last night and I didn't tell her because she would get mad at me so that way I didn't have to talk a put a large piece of pancake in my mouth and since I wouldn't answer her she phoned Jack's mom to see what they did last night she told her what Jack td his mom and then that's when my mom lost it she told to stop eating my pancakes and go straight to their house to apologize to hem when i had got there and rang the doorbell Jack came running down the steps to see me standing at the door looking very sad and then he asked me what was wrong I told him that I was sorry for staying here with out any permission and getting us both into deep trouble he forgave me and called his mom to ask if me and Jeremy could go to his house to hang out for a bit his mom said sure and told me to go hime to ask my mom if i could come over she said yes when I asked her so I ran back to Jack's house as fast as I could and then I rung the door bell and Jack answered again and then they let me inside where I saw Jeremy and Jack.

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