Your lover

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               Y/n's POV
                July 17th
I really want to see that guy again that I have a crush on that guy named Jack so I talked to Sophia to know where I could possibly run into him. she told me I could probably meet up with him at the park that's one of his favourite spots either than his basement. So Sophia took me to his house and then left when we went into the basement we started to watch tv and eat snacks when I asked what his favourite show was there was a very awkward silence we both turned a tomato red and then he finally told me that he liked anime and that the glitter force is his favourite and then thats when I fan girled and said that I love the glitter force to and then binge watched the show and then I had to go before there parents found out about us watching tv all day during summer break. When I left for my house and my mom got upset because I got home at like 11:00 pm and she wanted to know where I had been but I can't tell her because she will get upset if she knows that I like someone.
                Sophia's POV
I really thought that y/n was crazy after she wanted to see her crush even though I don't think that Jack likes her. Any way I wanted to help her so I took her to his house for her to see him for a bit since she hadn't seen him all summer break so far.
                 Jack's POV
I had just finished eating my lunch when I heard my door bell so I ran to see who it was and surprisingly it was the girl from class who helped me from those bullies I let her right and to make her self feel like she was at home for everything that she has done for me I led her downstairs where we sat on the couch while asked each other questions that  way we got to know each other better she had asked me a very embarrassing question I turned bright red like a tomato and I told her that I liked anime and that the Glitter Force was my favourite and then she fan girled because she loves Glitter Force too so we both say down on the couch while we binge watched both seasons and then she had to go that way their parents didn't catch them watching tv all day during summer break. When she left I had to quickly clean up our mess and then go to bed.
Y/n's mom POV
When I heard the door slam at 11:00 pm I was wondering where y/n could have been I ran up to her feeling very worried so I asked her where have you been for such a long time she wouldn't tell me where she and then her face turned a bright red and ran to her room so in the morning I shall discuss this with her because she can't be doing that and if she needs to talk about something she can tell me anything.
Jack's mom POV
I was wondering why my basement is smelling like popcorn at first I thought that he was just eating popcorn while watching a movie but then I realized someone else was in the basement with him all day. So I went and asked him who had been in the basement with him and why was there some one in my basement without any permission from me to begin with. he never answered my question so I just told him to go to bed and that I would talk about in the morning with him.

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