A word from me a few years on...

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So..hello everyone, its been a few years on now since i last wrote this book back in 2015. I wrote this in a time where i was struggling in high school and needed a distraction. I'm now in university doing film and absolutely loving life.

I just wanted to say, i am absolutely overwhelmed with the support and love you have gave the book, i read every single comment and it makes me so happy to see how much you guys enjoy it! I never thought id ever reach out to so many people. 

As much as I'm not writing books as often anymore, if you are interested in film or photography you can also check that out on insta: holsmcc.photography and on youtube: youtube.com/channel/UCl9oRs-DvGy7CXM3IHQl3iQ

Again thank you guys! You are all amazing! If you are passionate about something follow it! Much love, Hol x

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