Chapter 1 - 6 Months Later Danica's P.O.V.

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Today was the day I was planning to run away. I felt a burden on poor Drake. I know he treated me as well as my father did and that's what made me guilty. My parents had each other and planned to have me as a daughter for Drake he felt it was his duty as my parents wished.

I decided to run away after Drake's mate announced she was one month pregnant. You see Drake found his mate in my parents pack. She knew me since I was born. I knew I could never be as loved and wanted as their actual child was and I would always feel jealous if I got close to Drake and his mate. I was running away for their child's benefits and the fact I wouldn't have to love them. My love died when my parents did. My tears stopped after I cried for them. I knew I would never be the same. 

I could still remember the day Drake's Mate announced she was pregnant.

"Drake I have something very important to announce". I could see the joy in her eyes. They were gleaming with it. I could also see the love in them. Her love towards Drake. I knew I had a mate to out there somewhere sadly for them they would be rejected and it wasn't their fault but how could they have a mate who couldn't love. I wouldn't let my mate suffer.

Drake looked up at his mate Orla. He noticed how her voice was filled with love and happiness. He smiled a dazzling smile at his mate. Curiosity flashed in his eyes but as soon as it was their it was gone replaced by love and lust. She went on announcing to him the news. "Well as you know I have been busy lately and been drifted off and being sick and having moods swings but I know why. Drake I'm one month pregnant." Gasps and shocked faces crossed the room, I found myself ,with other girls, squealing. I would have a younger sibling ,but then I realized.

Drake and his mate are not my parents and never will replace mine. This child they were having would never be my sibling, I was forever an alone child.

That is when I made the decision to runaway, the decision I was fulfilling right now. Packing everything in my little barbie school bag, I was ready, I was going to face the life of the rogue she - wolf. My socks and skirts and trousers and shirts and howdies were packed, I also had money I saved from my birthday. There was almost £1000 from saving and keeping and ,I know it was wrong but, sometimes stealing. 

I would climb out my window, down the vine and run into the forest ,behind the house. I made sure Drake and Orla were out and everyone thought I was colouring. I prayed that no one checked on me until dinner time for I needed to get to an unknown territory. I knew no one would cross into unknown territory, I would also have to travel many nights and days to get away. I was determined to start a new life.

Swinging my barbie bag over my back I walked over to open the window. I had to precise and quiet. I made sure the window didn't creak or make sounds, no one was out the back as well and cover my tracks. I got out of the window and tried to close it behind me without making a sound, it didn't. I climbed down the vines, making sure I would not slip or fall. I landed on the ground gracefully and quietly, as I was taught in dance classes. I looked around. No one was looking out the windows or out the back, I was lucky. I sprinted as fast as I could into the forest, once I past the forest line it was a tad easier but still a hard mission. I ran through the forest, I knew there was a part in the forest beside the line of our territory and I knew exactly the way there.

I was running jumping over obstacles, it went like an obstacle course in this forest. Over, Under, Left or Right. Then I heard paw prints, I froze thinking quick then my natural instincts came in as I climbed up a tree. I surveillance the area. It was Rusty's wolf, I could tell for the rusty colour his wolf had. I hid deeper in the trees to not be seen. He was looking for something, I pray its not me. He smells the air. He doesn't recognize anything different for I always play in the forest thank god. He turned and ran off, disappearing in the tree. I made sure the coast was clear. I jumped off the tree and started running again.

My feet were aching and my head was pumping in pain, one ambition was on my mind, keep running.. I was close to the line. So close. The boundary was right ahead. When I crossed it, I felt a part of me left behind my heart, my feelings and my weakness. I was no longer that little 7 year old girl who cried and got hurt so easily. I am now a lone she - wolf, a rogue.

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