Little Mermaid's Final Chapter

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Ariel and Piper got married a few months after Ursula died. Eric was thankfully alive from the whole disaster and kept looking for me.

I was still a merman, but I watched Eric from a distance. I sighed, looking at my tail.

I turned back to watching Eric, and then a bright light shined in my face. I looked to the light and saw legs forming. I looked up to my father, a grin growing on my face. A sparkly purple shirt formed around my torso.

I started swimming to the shore. I then started walking onto the shore, and Eric saw me.

His eyes lit up as he ran to me, lifting me up and spinning me around.

"Axe I...I thought I lost you." Eric admitted, staring into my eyes.

"You didn't and you never will," I promised. I then kissed him, playing with his longer hair.

Time skip to these boi's wedding lol

Time skip to these boi's wedding lol

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I stared at the white suit I wore. The sleeves looked like boulders but I couldn't care less.

"I'm so happy for you!" Ariel sobbed. I hugged her, tears brimming in my own eyes.

"I'm still trying to believe this as well." I admitted, wiping away my tears. Piper waited for our sob fest to be over so she could finish her wife's make up.

"Congrats, by the way." I added, looking at the couple in the mirror. Ariel blushed, a goofy grin on her face.

"Thanks Woodman," Piper replied. She called me Woodman because of my name. I stood, the gentle cape that flowed behind me lazily drifting to the floor.

"I'm scared." I announced. Piper laughed, shaking her head.

Ariel just shook her head at me.

"You killed Ursula and YOU'RE scared of your wedding!" Ariel cackled teasingly. I crossed my arms, pouting.

"Ugh. Maybe it's everything that's happening. I'm going to be an uncle and I'm getting married!" I threw my hands in the air.

Ariel walked over to me, hugging me.

"Relax. Its not like I'm giving birth to the kid. We're adopting, dork! And its just a wedding!" Ariel laughed. "You pretty much already had one, without the glammer and glitter."


"What?" I was confused.

"When Eric was going on about going on adventures with you forever. That sounds like a wedding vow." Piper patiently explained.

"Oh...oH!" I shouted. I felt my face heat up. Ariel laughed before shoving me out.

I hid my fear as I walked down the carpeted walkway. Eric stood, a white suit on and a sunshine smile on his face.

A/n: the end lol.
Idk what fairy tale to do next 😅

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