Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
[ Meschever pt. 1 ]

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

A nod.

After Colton left, I followed him but when I got out of the cafeteria, he was gone as if he didn't go to school for the day. I decided to let him go. He could be an asshole all he wants and I'm not gonna stress myself over it.

I can almost understand how Nephilim shouldn't have mates. We barely feel any emotions except our sins as it is. Throw in the mate bond and we're bound to go insane.

"What is this?" I could feel the frustration and confusion in his voice as he touched his forehead with mine. I could feel the aura of lust and wrath around us.

Even though we're mates, we were still Nephilim. A nephilim is born to influence, influence humans to do bad but never try to be human ourselves. Never to fall in love, never to care, never to nurture.

There was one thing we had though...

It was our sin.

I looked up at Colton and saw the lust and anger in his eyes. The hunger, the craving to rip me apart while kissing me senseless. I can feel his gaze as if it's seeing the lust in my eyes as well. As close as we are now, and the mate bond, we were bound to explode anytime soon and as if he read my mind, he suddenly carried me away and started walking fast towards the school exit.

My heart started beating fast in anticipation. His car came into view and as impatient as I was, I grabbed his shirt and used my vampire speed to reach the car fast while he looked a bit shocked. I was gonna hit myself for this later.


He looked at me with the same stoic look that I'm now already used to.


"That didn't happen." I pulled him by his belt loops as I leaned on the side of the car.

I tilted my head to the side, looking as innocent as I might hope to be just as his eyes narrowed suspiciously before I pulled him closer towards me and he seems to remember why we went out in the first place. His eyes grew a shade darker and the sin in me sizzled just as I smelled his scent of arousal.

Leaning my forehead against his, both breathing deeply, nose rubbing against his, lips almost touching, teasing and touching each other.


He pulled me by the waist and pushed me hard against the car making me mame a sound between a groan and a moan. He kisses me on the neck slowly. Damn him.

I gripped his hair telling him to stop teasing me. He growled from the pain and pushed me against the car again, harder. Jerk.

We both smirked by how rough we were with each other. Nephilim cruelty I swear. I bit my lip and that broke him as he pressed his lips against mine, hard and hungry but at the same time soft and warm. I loved the way my body heats up when we touch, where he trails his fingers and his lips on me.


I jumped at the sound of someone's voice and startling Colton in the process making him bite his teeth.

"What the f---"

"You really need to get a room. Or you can just go to mine." I looked around and saw him leaning back on his seat inside his car, smirking at us.

Colton immediately grabbed me by the waist and stepped in front of me to snarl at Kyan. But the idiot only raised his hands and laughed, "Whoa, slow down there tiger. Just an innocent bystander traumatized by the live stream you got going on." He smirked evily and when his eyes landed on my form, he winked and made Colton growl possessively.

I narrowed my eyes at Kyan and tried to get out of Colton's suffocating grip but it only made him turn and glare at me as if everything was my fault in the first place. He pushed me away as if disgusted but before he left, one thing was clear. He thought I preferred Kyan. And maybe, he even thought I messed around with him since Colton sees me simply as a child of lust.

I gotta admit it hurt, it hurt as much as a Nephilim with little to no feelings can. I turned to glare at Kyan but he was already gone and only his echoing laugh filled the parking lot.


Walking along the corridors still didn't take the scene from earlier out of my restless thoughts. I feel alarmed these days as if something is about to happen.

Shrugging the thoughts off, I continued on, late for my last class. I didn't want to run but I also didn't wanna have detention so I picked up my pace and as I turned at the corner, little did I know, I was about to take a detour.

I was suddenly pushed into a closet, well I think it's a closet from the smell of chemicals and the dark small space I was in. "What the--"

"Shh." A hand made its way on top of my lips preventing me from making any noise and as I realized from the scent that it was Colton, I relaxed and glared at him.

He gave me a look as if to say 'shut up' and slowly took his hand away. I had to admit, some part of me wanted that small contact. Damn mate bond.

"I'm sorry."

Wait what?

He saw my bewildered expression and sighed. "Sorry for treating you like crap ever since." His jaw clenched. "You're right. This bond isn't anyone's fault and if we accept it, it'll make things easier especially since we have this huge mission against the dukes." He had to whisper the last part in case any mists or wraiths were wandering around.

"The moment I saw you when we were younger, I had a feeling you were special. I was young and I didn't know it but I felt it. The moment I saw that drunk man move to hurt you, I lost it." He looked into my eyes sincerely and I couldn't help but gasp from the intensity.

"Plus the fact that my sin is wrath, I didn't think and my instincts took over. When the rush disappeared, I couldn't help but think of you and your safety as if it was the most important thing ever. But after that night, we never saw each other so I thought it was just a fluke and the fact that your sin is lust, I thought it must've been just your influence until--"

"Until the other night." I finished for him in realization the same as my own.


Sorry for the long update, been busy with work. BUT NOW THAT WORK IS OVER (Been indesposed *cough*), I can continue to write and bring daily updates. Also, I've been hearing stuff about people changing preferences in terms of ships in the story so stay tuned!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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