"So this Suzanne is your mother? Are you OK?" Daisy asked the concern in her voice.

"No not really. I mean how would you feel if your absent mom showed up out of freaking nowhere on your birthday?"

Daisy chuckled lightly shaking her head. "Oh kid you've got no idea what I had to deal with when it comes to parents. You think your mom showing up is crazy? Try finding your parents then one trying to kill the other and the other trying to kill you."

"Ouch." I laughed slightly.

"Yeah so trust me I know crazy parents but if you want my honest opinion it looks like your mom really wants to get to know you. So maybe give her a chance. She might surprise you." She said calmly.

I looked down knowing to well she was right. Even if I didn't like my mom showing up the way she did. Maybe it was time we got to know each other.

After a few more minutes of catching up and arguing, Daisy convinced me to come out of my room to celebrate my birthday.

The closer we got back the rec room, I heard three distinct voices talking with Suzanne.

"You've got a lot of nerve showing up like this you know that Suzanne?" Donnie's voice echoed through the hallway.

"You used to call me Suzy Q remember?" Suzanne retorted while Daisy and I walked in. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"OK knock it off." I said getting Donnie and Suzanne's attention.

Donnie sighed. "Sorry Ky, but I just don't think people who haven't been there for you these last twenty-two years of your life should be here." He glared at Suzanne earning an eye roll and a sigh. "Either way happy birthday kiddo."

"Funny how you go from insulting me to wishing my daughter happy birthday." Suzanne huffed.

Donnie glared at her while I saw Mason and Tori hand in hand. I couldn't hold in my chuckle seeing how they both are still at that puppy dog stage.

"What no hello for us?" Tori said with a grin on her face.

I shook my head playfully and walked over to her hugging her tight. I then hugged Mason while he hugged me back giving me a quick pat on my shoulder.

"How have you two been?" I asked earning a smile and lip bite from Tori. I couldn't help but raise a brow glancing between the two. It didn't help they started whispering things along the lines of "do you want to tell her or should I," and "maybe we should tell her together."

"Guys... what's going on?" I finally asked.

"Well after many months of Mason and I living in the old apartment together, he popped the question." Tori said with a blush. "We're engaged." She held her hand flashing the diamond ring. I smiled while Mason kissed her cheek.

"Oh my God that's amazing congrats you two and Mason?"

He rose a brow when I called his name. Which was understable on account I only do that when I'm being serious. "You may be my old boss but remember if you hurt her, I can still kick your ass." He blinked nodding while Tori just laughed.

"OK chill." She said earning a smile on Mason.

"Just like your father." Suzanne said as I frowned slightly.

"Can I kick her out now?" Aurora asked while Suzanne scowled at the idea of a teenager telling her what to do.

I glanced between the two and sighed slightly. Suzanne had her arms folded in front of herself while Aurora started forming a hex.

"No." I said earning a surprised look from literally everyone in the room. "She can stay here for now effective immediately. And if anyone on this team has anything against it, they have me to deal with. Got it?" No one said anything except for Tori whispering "Ojos. (Eyes.)" To tell my eyes had changed color. I quickly rubbed my eyes earning a nod from her to tell me they went back to normal.

Meanwhile, Suzanne smiled walking up to me with outstretched arms which I quickly pull away from. She gave me a sad look but let out a breath. "I know we can't build a mother-daughter bond in one night but can we at least be friends?" She asked giving me a pleading puppy dog look.

I rolled my eyes at her comment taking a step forward. "Yes, you're my mom and I'm letting you stay here. But let me make one thing clear. We are not friends."

"I understand. I'll give you time." She said with a nod.

"Aurora show her to the guest room and if you pull anything stupid I will burn you alive." I said earning a huff from her.

"Fine..." Aurora muttered. She walked over to Suzanne with her stun gun at the ready. "Kyla may be the boss but I'm the one with this bad boy. Don't test me." She said holding her gun.

Suzanne rolled her eyes but nodded when she and Aurora left the room. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder followed by a sigh.

"You sure about this?" Robbie asked.

"No." I admitted as he kissed my cheek.

"Don't worry fuego, things will be OK." He said holding me close. I could only hope he was right. 

Author's Note: Hey my lovely readers, so sorry for the long lonnnnggggg wait for chapter two I'm in school from literally 8-4 three times a week plus I have a job. In any case, here is chapter two. I hope you all enjoy it. I'm so thankful for you guys. I hope to see you all soon. Please comment and vote I really appreciate it. - Naomi

Unholy Trinity: Sequel to Unholy Angel जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें