Oh no

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Godzilla POV
I wake up to Zilla gone I see huge tire tracks and relise that she was taken by humans that weaponise kuiju and control they through torture and experimenting on the brain. I run and the enterance is blocked off with huge rocks. My arms are kind of useless at this time so I use my atomic breath to blast the rocks out of the way the fly everywhere on lands nere Komodithrax's cave is. I run to where a old lab was I read a little sign said "k.e.f" meaning kaiju experimenting facility. I come to a humongous building I look in a window in the side and see Zilla standing in a platform getting experimented on. I start to run and hit the wall it takes ten run hits to brake through. they try to make me fall asleep with some sort of thing but I am more resilient then I was  ever before except for fighting the mutos a person try's to use a oxygen destroyer but I kill him with a hit of my tail then I rip some tubes pumping some sleeping stuff into Zilla I take her home but when I'm going to the den I here a man from the k.e.f tell "this is not over Godzilla I will hunt you and kill you if it's the last thing i do then I get home I lay her down and let her rest I lay down next to her and fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2018 ⏰

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