The Monsters

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Godzilla(Verson 2014)
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Height: 355 Feet Tall
Length: 550 Feet, 4 inches
Species: Prehistoric Amphibious Reptile
Weight: 90,000 Tons
Attacks: Physical attacks and Nuclear blast
Personality: to self most of the time, not much for talking to others, hates being lied to, may like Zilla but does not show it.

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Length:180 meters
Height: 90 meters
Weight: 20,000 Tons
Species: Irradiated Marine Iguana
Attacks: physical and fire attacks
Personality: fun loving, caring  playful, has a secret crush on Godzilla, and loves to hangout with him

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Species: Giant Mutant Komodo Dragon
Gender: Can change gender at anytime he/she wants.
Attack: physical and a earth attack.
Personality:changes a lot

King Ghidorah
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Height:150 meters
Wingspan: 175 meters
Weight: 70,000 Tons
Species: Unknown Species
Gender: Male
Attacks: Fire, physical, and Long range.
Personality:hates being lied to, love mothra, the rest is unknown

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Species:Giant moth
Gender: Female
Attacks: Silk, Physical, And Long range.
Personality: loves King Ghidorah, hates seeing moths die

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Species: genetically modified rose kaiju hybrid
Created by Toho
Weight: 200,000 metric Tons
Gender: Female
Attacks: physical, vines, rest unknown

King Kong
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Height: 100 feet
Gender: Male
Species: giant extinct ape
Attacks: lots
Personality:protected, A god to the people on his island, is like a kid at times, last of kind

Skullcrawlers (count 8)
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5 Female 3 Male
Species: giant reptilian kaiju
Full grow facts
Height: 28,956 Meters
Length:59,131 Meters
Weight: only 100 tons
Attacks: I don't want to list them to creepy for me.
Personality: always hungry, killed Kong's race, leader was the big one.

Godzilla X Zilla (Love is dangerous)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ