Chapter four: Mission Possible

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Markku POV

Yeah so I totally got in trouble for destroying that room, but my girls took the blame too. Unfortunately Sebastian saw through their lies and made me go shopping instead of Chie. That's where I am now in a carriage ridding to town. But I fell asleep about halfway there.

*Timeskip cuz I lazy*

I wake up to a sudden bump. I looked out the window. We must be here. I thought. I get out of the carriage and make my way to the first destination. I bought a couple of food items when I see some thugs in an alley mugging some little boy. What the fuck nobody is even taking a glance at this kid! I thought angrily. I can make out the boy yelling "Help! Help! Somebody! Anybody! Help!" (Me: gotta love those lion king references). "Okay that's it!" I exclaim. I make my way to the alley through the bustling crowd. Pushing pass them without even a word of apology. "I am so glad I'm wearing combat boots today!" I say. I step in the alley like a badass! "Hey! Get your hands off that kid!" I shout.

"Well, well, well look what we got here boys." The leader of the thugs said.

"It's a cute little girl." One said.

"Hehe. Look at her bust it's huge for a little girl." Another said.

"Maybe we have use for you after all." The leader said. They were surrounding me. Great just great. Looked at my (invisible) watch and look up. "Well would ya look at the time, fellas. It's beat down o'clock." I say (Me: Hey, hey! Hey START:DASH!). I charge towards one and hit him with my bag of fruits and vegetables. He fell to the ground with a thud. Another comes at me with a knife. I kick him in the bongloings (aka the penis). He falls over and I snatch his knife. I kick another thug in the face and stab one more the in side. "I'm outta here!" The thug leader exclaims. He started running away. "Not on my watch!" I shout. I throw the knife and it hits the thug leader in the back causing him to fall down. "Thank you miss!" The little boy said.

"No problem." I tell him. "Those guys won't bother you in a loooong time."

"As a gift I grant you expert melee and long range fighting skills and your agility will equivalent to a ninja." The boy said.

"That's so cool!" I say.

"Do you have any friends?" He asks.

"Yeah, I have four other friends."

"Then I grant them unique powers too."

"What kind?"

"The same as you." The kid says. I giggle. This kid. I thought. I blink and the boy is gone. "Weird." I shrug. As I continue shopping I couldn't help but think of my new powers!


I kicked open the doors to the mansion and shouted. "Honey i'm home!" I laughed to myself. "Ah Markku, you're back." I turned around. Sebastian was right behind me! "Uh hi." I say.

"Did get the things on the list?" Sebastian asks. I nod and hand him the bags. Sebastian looks inside them and immediately frowned. "Why are the fruits and vegetables bruised?" Sebastian asks me.

"I ran into some minor difficulties." I say. Sebastian looks at me for a long time. I can feel the tension rising between us. "I'll deliver these to kitchen." Sebastian said. Sebastian gets close me. "Next time." He says. "Try not to get into any fights." Sebastian holds my hand and shows me a medium sized red spot. I blush. "H-how?" I ask.

"I am simply one hell of a b-"

"Itch." I interrupt. Before Sebastian can say anything I run away.


I was far away enough I decided to test my new powers. I do a one handed cartwheel, a front hand spring, and a high kick. "Ninja skillz!" I proceed to do close combat moves until I find my room. I kick the door open. "I got me some ninja skillz!" I shout. The girls look at me with confused looks. "Guys, when I was running errands I saved a little boy and he granted us kickass powers!" I explain. "Try doing some gymnastics shit!" The girls do as I say. "I could never do a hand stand before!" Chie exclaims. Chie took one hand off the ground. "Or a one handed hand stand!"
"I could never do the splits until now!" Omi exclaimed. We start to do advanced stress and gymnastics when Sweetie said "Sebastian alert!!! He's near!" We all stop what we were doing. "So what now?" Saya asks.

"Pillow fight?" Saori suggests. We all nod and bolt to the pillows. Thanks to Chie she managed to convince Sebastian to give us extra pillows. With our advanced long range skills the pillows are thrown fast and hard, but with our ninja skills we manage to dodge. "What is going on here!?" A stern voice says. We look at the door and see Sebastian. A pillow I threw hits Saori the second after we turn to look at him. The girls and I looked at each other. "Uhhhh.... We got ninja skillz?" I say. Sebastian pinched the bridge of his nose. "Young master would like to see you all." Sebastian said.

"What did I do this time?" I said.

"He wanted all of us, Kuku." Omi reminds me.

"Come with me." Sebastian said. We look at each other and shrug. I can't help but feel nervous because maybe Ciel is gonna kick us out or worse. Kill us. That thought gives me mad anxiety. I shake my head trying not to loose, so I think about my favorite things (Me: get it).


We arrive at Ciel's study and I think i'm about to throw up. Sebastian opens the door and my friends and I follow. "They're here young master." Sebastian announced.

"Is this about the room?" I ask. "If it is I would like to apologize."

"This isn't about the room you destroyed." Ciel replies. "This is about a case the queen gave me." He pushes a cream colored folder. I open it and take a look. "Whoa that's gross." I say. The girls take a look. "Oooh blood." Saya says. I roll my eyes. "They call the murderer Genocide Jack because he kills a specific group of people." Ciel explains.

"What kind?" Chie asks.

"Nobility." Ciel replies. It was silent. "Haha karma!" I say. Everyone looks at me. "That's whatcha get for throwing a dart at me, brat! Hahahahahahaha!!" I stick out my tounge and give Ciel the middle finger with both hands. I realizes what I just did. "I mean oh no that's terrible."

"And I already have my first suspect." Ciel says.

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