Pompeii - Nica Thoughts

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**attempted suicide**

She quickly lost everything. In three days, everything was stolen by a doll possessed by a psychotic killer. One that had been after her since before she was born. She thought she had Alice. The girl was her only hope, the only one who even slightly understood her. Come to find out the wretched doll had taken her too. She was driven to madness. She wanted to end it all. She broke a spoke off of her wheelchair and slit her wrist, exhaling shakily as the world slowly faded. She'd finally be free. In what was supposed to be her final moments, it almost felt as if nothing changed at all. The world fades out and she's free.

When she wakes up in the morning, she's confused for a moment. Had she dreamt it up? Her thoughts are interrupted by Carlos walking in, announcing it's time for her medicine. Still confused, she lifts her sleeve, only to find the horrifying sight of her slit wrist being crudely stitches, almost as if done by a child... or a doll.

With that terrifying thought, she frantically looks over the side of her bed. The words make her world go black for a moment and her walls come tumbling down.


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