Next To Me - Chucky Character Study

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He had fucked up big time. She walked out, taking Glenn and Glenda with her. He was a mess. He had no idea what to do without her. She was perfect. She saw the good in him. Hell, she basically worshipped him. He hadn't payed enough attention. He said he didn't have time for her "clingy shit". She had enough. So she left. That was a month ago. He stopped calling endlessly after the first week, knowing it wouldn't help his situation. His phone buzzes. He grabs it as fast as he stabs his victims. It was her. "Hello?" his voice croaks from lack of use. "Meet me at the trailer park at four." She says quickly. Before he can respond, the line goes dead. That gives him 30 minutes to make himself look presentable and get there. He gets ready, and drives at least 40 miles over the speed limit. He gets pulled over, he stabs the cop, he continues going 50 miles over the limit. When he arrives, she is already impatiently waiting. He jumps out of the car and practically flies over to her. "Tiff, I-" he starts, but is cut off by Tiffany kissing him. Before she can step back again, he has his arms around her waist, preventing her from moving away from him. He kisses her again, causing her to chuckle. "I'm sorry." he says. "I know you are, Chucky. This is your last chance. Don't fuck it up." Tiffany says. "I know. Thank you for taking a chance on me. I know it isn't easy, but I hope to be worth it, Tiff." Chucky says. Tiffany smiles and pulls him into another kiss.

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