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First of all, I'd like to say that English is not my native language, that's why there certainly will be some mistakes, and I would be glad if you point them. :) Also, this story is absolute fiction. You certainly know that, but wanted to say it again, I know none of this could happen, it won't, and I'm not some creep. I just like to imagine crazy things. :D

Also, feel free to review, but if it's to say things such as "You're disrespectful, disgusting etc" please keep it to yourself.

So, here's the prologue. The first chapter is already written, I'm just waiting to finish the second one before posting it. :D Enjoy !

I never thought that one day I would have my own apartment in Los Angeles, but here I was. Two months ago, I was still in France, my native country, working in the costume department of a small theater in Paris. I liked it but I always wanted to cross the Atlantic Ocean, discover something else. Now, my dream became reality thanks to Ellie. Ellie was my best friend; I met her on the internet 2 years ago. Ellie and I shared the same passion: cosplay. We grew fond of each other very quickly, e-mails became skype calls and we talked practically every day. She also made sewing her job, and one day she asked me if I would like to come here, in LA.

3 months ago.

“Of course I would love to come! When start your vacation? ” I asked really excited about seeing her in flesh.

She giggled; I always loved it when she does that.

“No, I think you misunderstood me, Sonia.” She said with a giant grin. There was something hidden behind that huge smile. I stayed silent for a few second, eyeing her suspiciously.

“Okay, what’s the trap here?”

“Well, I wanted to know if you’re interested in living here.”

I was taken aback. Of course I wanted to, but I couldn’t just leave everything and begin a new life there out of nothing. I was going to say something but Ellie quickly reassured me.

“I’ve already planned everything. You could stay in my apartment while you search one, you won’t have to rush anything. As for the money, I’ll help you at the beginning but don’t worry about finding a job because I already talked about you to my boss, and she’s willing to see you for an interview !”

At first I didn’t want to intrude her life or anything, but after a few days and Ellie nearly begging me to come, I made my decision.

I stayed to months in Ellie’s apartment, she was even sweeter than I thought and it was perfect. Her boss accepted me for the job in her store; it was an elegant clothing store that also made sewing correction for customers. It wasn’t like my previous job but I liked it and I was with Ellie.

I found an apartment, it wasn’t luxurious nor was it extremely big but I could pay it alone.

So here I was, with only a few box, and a huge grin on my face. In my head I couldn’t stop saying “Here I am Los Angeles!”

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