In The Dark Of The Moon (under construction)

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Standing on the edge looking down at the waves under the cliff , the beauty is mind-blowing, I lose footing . I'm falling i realize , I don't struggle like the last time this happened. I embrace the enviable death waiting for me , the sudden motion of warm arms leads me to throw my eyes open. The feeling of a warm embrace overwhelms me. I look up and see not a face but a cloaked figure holding me, like they had a reason.

I Slam up into a sitting position and run my cold hands threw my sweat drenched hair. I've had that for 4 months straight now. The dream is like a strange haunting, never leaving my side .Leaving me to wounder about it day and night. Stealing any piece of sanity i think i still have.

The dream is always the same leaving me in cold sweats and tears. I don't quite understand the meaning or why its reoccurring. Ireland has may cliffs but I'm not sure if I'd be caught near any. I live no where near one. My mom rushes in, we have always had some spiritual connection , she always knows when I'm anything but happy no matter where i am and Vice-verse. She sits on my bed and hugs me petting my hair and rocking me with comfort."Did you have that dream again, Hun?" she asks looking at me with concern. "yeah, but I'm fine mom. Im going down to get something to drink and watch T.V. till i have to get ready, ok?" I ask while trying not to let my voice crack. "Yeah that's fine tell me if you need anything ok?" "Ok" I reply. 

I virtually crawl down the stairs and into the kitchen ,I then take a leisurely stroll to the pantry and begin my search for the Coco Puffs.'Just another day' i tell my self over again , but not believing it.

 ✯☠♥☾ ̶l̶o̶v̶e̶ ̶✯☠♥☾G̶r̶e̶e̶d̶✯☠♥☾D̶e̶a̶t̶h̶✯☠♥☾


its IWrestledABearOnce1 , this is the new story i am writing and there will be more (:

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2012 ⏰

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