"That sounds like a great idea."

"I can't believe this week is almost over."

"I know. I like Corellia. I wish you could have seen Alderaan." She sighed.

"I would have loved it." He smiled as he kissed her head.

      They sat in each other's arms for a while before they decided to put out the fire and go to bed. Han had a nice day planned for their last day there and he couldn't wait for morning to come so he could tell her about it.

      The next morning, they woke up and went and ate breakfast. As they were eating, Han told Leia about what they were going to do after breakfast.

"I have our whole day planned out, Princess." He smiled.

"Oh yeah? What are we doing on our last day?"

"Well, first, breakfast. Then, I'm taking you to the beach where we will spend most of our day. If things heat up, we can come back inside," he said giving her a smirk and raising one eyebrow, Leia chuckled at that. "then this evening, we can get dinner and walk around the town."

"That sounds like a pretty good day." She smiled.

"I knew you would like it." They both laughed.

      Han had already gone down to the beach and Leia was just walking outside to meet him. He turned and saw what she was wearing and smirked.

"It's no metal bikini but it'll do." She said laughing. He giggled and kissed her.

      Han took her hand and they walked to the water together. When they reached the edge of the water, Han picked Leia up and tossed her into the waves. She came up from the water laughing as she pulled him in. He laughed when he came up out of the water and kissed her.

"It's a beautiful day to swim, isn't it?" she said.

"It is. It's perfect weather." He said, smiling.

      They swam for a while and then walked the beach for a bit. The sand was warm and a slight cool breeze was blowing. They held hands as they walked back and forth a couple of times and talked. When they got tired, they went and sat on their towels in the sand.

"The way the light hits you today, you look very beautiful." He said, making her smile. He kissed her.

"I love you." He said as he gave her another kiss.

"I know." She replied with a smirk.

      The kiss deepened and it showed no sign of stopping. He didn't want this day to end. He wished it could last forever.

"Is it heating up out here?" He asked, never breaking the kiss.

"I think it is." She said giggling into his lips.

      Han broke the kiss and gave her a smirk. Then, he picked her up bridal style and carried her inside to their room. Once inside, he put her down and they both began to remove their clothes. He kissed her deeply as he began to move his hips. The steady rhythm began. Their heartbeats began to increase as the rhythm increased and the temperature in the room became hotter. Then he stilled as they gasped. Han kissed her and laid there, next to her for a second. Neither one of them wanted the day to end.

"I'm liking this day you planned." She laughed.

"I knew you would." He replied with a smirk.

"I love you Mr. Solo."

"I love you too Mrs. Solo."


      That night, after dinner, Han was showing Leia around town. He pointed out where he used to hang out and other places that he enjoyed as a kid. He also pointed out places on the streets where he used to sleep at night.

"When it would rain, I would sleep over there." he said pointing to a building that was a cream color and had dark blue shutters.

"Was it a shelter or something?"

"No. The lady that owned it would take me in and give me food and a change of clothes while she dried out my clothes I had been wearing. She also washed my clothes for me. She helped me out from when I was 6 to when I was 14." He said with a smile.

"You said owned. What happened to her?" She asked. Han's smile slowly went away and turned into a frown. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"She passed, sadly. She had pneumonia after a bout of bronchitis. I was with her when it happened. Her family was there too. After she died, her son's family took over the house. I believe it was sold a couple of years ago to someone else."

"I'm so sorry, Han." Leia said putting a hand on his back.

"It's okay. It may be sad, but I'm happy now. After she died, I was back on the streets and that led me to smuggling which led me to you. That's why I'm happy." He smiled.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too."

He leaned down and kissed her. They turned and continued walking.

      When they arrived back at the hotel, they packed their things and then got in bed. They laid in each other's arms for a while. Tomorrow they would be going back to reality. But that reality was more relaxed, now. Now, they were retired and could do whatever they wanted to do. They could travel. They could start a family. 

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