Chapter 1: Enter Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto

Start from the beginning

Naruto grabbed his little bag and jumped out of his window. Right as he landed on the ground, Naruto heard his door slam open. He flinched at the sound and took off running off into the town. Naruto avoided as many villagers as he could, and he made it to the top of the Hokage monument. There, Naruto relaxed. He sat down and thought about what happened. Then he began to sob. His small cries were barely heard by anyone, for the top of the Hokage monument was too tall for anyone to see that far away, let alone hear his cries.

Naruto just wished that he had a family. People who cared for him and wanted to protect him. People who loved him for him. Not people who feared him and abused him. Not people who accused him of being something that he's not. Naruto cried and brought his knees up to his chest and put his head down, allowing all the tears to fall.

"Kit, someone's here. Two people actually," Kurama said. Naruto froze at Kurama's words. "Where was that crying coming from?" A female voice asked. "It sounded like it came from over there," a male voice said. Naruto curled tighter into a ball just wishing he could disappear. Naruto could picture what would most likely happen when the people find him.

Naruto's imagination:
"Look! Over there!" The female would yell, probably pointing to Naruto. "It's the demon! Let's get him!" The male would scream, and they would attack and beat up Naruto.
Naruto's imagination end:

Naruto shook in his spot, trying to be as small as possible. Tears streamed down his face, and he buried himself in his arms. Then he heard footsteps. They were the sound of heels. Their steps were light, quiet and quick-paced. Naruto flinched and held his breath. "Over here, Zoro-kun," the female said to the male who Naruto assumed to be this Zoro character. After the female called out to her friend, Naruto heard another pair of steps. They were heavier, louder and slower than the woman's steps. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder and a voice that surprised him, "Hey, are you —" the woman started saying before she was cut off. Naruto jumped up and fell off the monument. He closed his eyes as he fell and made no move to catch himself. But then he felt arms catch him. Tons of arms. "Cien Fleur: Spider Net!" The woman yelled out. Naruto opened his eyes and saw that he was in a net... made of arms. Naruto's eyes almost bulged out of his head. He looked up to see a tall, pale-skinned woman with blue eyes and long black hair. She had on a purple sleeveless shirt that was zipped up in the front that showed her stomach with a low waisted pink skirt that had green flowers on it. She had her arms in an x shape over her chest. Naruto noticed that the arms were connected to the side of the Hokage monument. Then he fell unconscious.

With the duo:
"Help him up," the female said as her arms started to disappear as they lifted up the unconscious boy. He was bloody, and his hair looked like a mixture of red and blond though the duo could tell that his natural hair is blonde and that the red was most likely blood. The male, Zoro, bent down, grabbed Naruto's arms and started pulling him up onto the monument. Zoro is a male who has short, bright green hair along with a long, dark green button-down along with dark green pants held up by a bright green waistband paired with dark green boots. He also had a dark green bandana tied to his upper left arm along with three swords attached to his right hip by a red belt, and not to mention a scar on his left eye that left him with only one functioning eye.

The boy was light as a feather. Zoro sucked in a sharp breath at how light the boy is. "Robin," Zoro started, and his eyes were shaded. "He's so light like he barely eats anything," Zoro finished while brushing Naruto's hair from his face. Robin walked over and picked him up. Robin gasped at how light he is. "He's all bloody. What happened to this boy?" Robin questioned to no one in particular. "We should get him to the local hospital, I'm sure they'll fix him up," Zoro said while standing up. Robin stood up too with Naruto in her arms, like a baby.

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