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Third person

Moni looked over at Ninja, that had fallen down on the ground with a lot of noise. She didn't move. In the woman's head, she called her daughter Anira–K to come over, and soon she came. "What is it, mama?" She asked, not noticing the other on the floor. Moni nodded her head in Ninja's direction. "Oh, hehe. I see why you called me."

Anira–K had a special talent for waking people up. It was a mystery why exactly she could do it so well, but it was an advantage in this situation. Anira–K got ahold of her tail and tickled Ninja's face. The blonde woman awakened with a loud sneeze. ''Finally I woke up from that weird dream...'' She mumbled, but when she looked around she noticed the pink cat in front of her and she knew she was actually still asleep. Ninja wished it was all a dream, but it became realer and realer with every minute she spent in this world. It was becoming her reality. 

Anira–K helped Ninja to get up and the elder sighed. ''Okay, I'll help you. I'm not that smart as you think I am, but I'll try my best. What happened to him?'' She asked facing Moni, while the pinkhead left to go back to the house again. Moni guided Ninja closer to Tobias. In this world, he had a different name; Saibot. She began telling a story. A long story. 

''Saibot was my first child. He's not biologically mine, but I've taken care of him since the beginning. I lived alone in a rather small house when I found him outside, just a few minutes from my place, as if someone had put him there for me. I took him with me, repairing most of his parts, programming him again. I raised him as a real person, as my family, my child. I really care about him, but I think I made a mistake in the past while putting him back together. He has these hitches sometimes and lately they became weirder and they occurred more often. Now it looks like he shut himself down, or his system did. Can you please take a look at him?''

Ninja nodded and approached Saibot. His back was already opened. ''I've taken a look at him already, but I can't launch him, he doesn't respond.'' Moni added and Ninja took a better look at the robot. At first sight he looked like a normal human, until you saw all the threads coming from his back. His eye had been damaged too, but Moni had fixed that quite nicely. 

Ninja took place behind Saibot, looking at the several threads he was having there. They were all whole, none of them broke, so it didn't have anything to do with them. ''Did you remove this part earlier?'' Ninja asked, pointing at the piece of metal that was covering up Saibot's core. ''No I didn't. I was afraid to damage him more.'' Ninja looked at her with respect in her eyes. She had known Moni as her friend, but in this world she actually was her sister. That changed their relationship a lot. Ninja tried to get used to the fact that they were a family now, but it was also hard to let go of the past. She still wasn't sure what had actually happened, and she was dying to find out.

Ninja carefully removed the metal plate and then used a flashlight to take a better look at Saibot's 'heart'. One of the cables attached to it had burned out, possibly by the cause of too much negativity. ''He needs a new cable and he needs to learn how to deal with stress. Did he have a lot of problems lately?'' Ninja asked, and Moni nodded. She didn't tell her why, so Ninja didn't ask any further. Moni handed her a new cable and so Ninja fixed Saibot. She closed him up and then they both waited with a lot of excitement to see if the robot would awaken.

- -

Anira–K returned to the house and everyone looked at her with a questioning look on their faces. Danch started screaming. ''Did Ninja manage to fix Saibot?'' D°D tried to shush her down so everyone could listen to what the cat had to say. Anira–K raised her eyebrows. ''I don't know, she didn't even look at him yet when I left.'' Everyone sighed deeply, until Danch pointed at the hall. ''They're here!'' She shouted cutely. 

Saibot was the first to enter the room and Rogi happily approached him. ''Hey man! Glad to see you're back, bro!'' They gave each other a fist bump as Saibot answered. ''Glad too.'' Moni looked more happy than she looked when Ninja had just arrived. Saibot apparently really meant a lot to her. 

The evening was already falling and Rogi and D°D brought Danch to bed. The little girl insisted that she could keep her crown on while sleeping. The whole family laughed. Keyo the crow croaked some while Anira–K tried to play with him again. ''Leave the bird, Anira.'' Moni said and Anira gave her a pouty face. 

Ninja had a lot of questions, but at least she knew everyone's names in this dimension. She still wondered what Danicha's and Dhiradj's roles were in the family. She didn't know she was going to find out soon. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2018 ⏰

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