"Ok I trust you" I say...I wish I never trusted him.

"Carter?" I turn back and look a Jackson


"Are you gonna eat those?" He says pointing to my fries

"No you can eat them" I let out a small chuckle

"Ahah your mine now fries" he says and grabs my plate of fries.

Once lunch was over I went on with my day. Today wasn't so hard actually pretty easy for a Monday to be honest usually Monday suck but today it didn't. Once school ended I went straight home because I was tired and really wanted to sleep because I'm a lazy person. Anyways when I got home my mother told me she was going out of town for some business which I was kinda use to, Well actually she hasn't gone out of town since my dad died because she was scared to leave me alone. She was broken and tried, She was mad that she lost the love of her life. And she didn't wanna lose me either.

"Yes sir this is she"


"Ok thank you officer" she says and ends the call. She started to sob

"Mom what happened"

"Your fath-....Your fathers gone" she says

"What" I say out of words to day and a tear coming falling down.

"No no no He can't be gone...He loved us..Mom he can't go...not now NOT EVER!" I say

"I didn't even get to say I love you one more time" I say

End of flashback

"DAD!" I yell

I look at my surroundings and realized I had fallen asleep on the couch. I let out a tear and a few more, I really missed my dad and still wasn't use to him being gone.

Then I head the door bell ring.
I walk over and open my door and see Jackson

"Carter what happened?" He says and immediately pulls me into a hug.

I started to cry into his shoulder

"Princess please tell what's wrong" he says

"I just miss my dad" I say and he immediately pull me back in

"I'm sorry princess" he says

After a few minutes of standing outside and hugging we went inside.

"So where's your mom" He ask

"Oh she went on a Business trip" I say

"Oh for how long?" He ask

"Um a week I think she said" I say

And he makes that "ohhh" face.

"So you just been here"

"Well yeah...I accidentally feel asleep on the couch"

"Oh so you just had like a power nap kinda" He ask

"Yeah something like that" I say

"Ok well that's good because we're going somewhere right now" He say

"Jackson" I saw whining

"Come On" he grabs my hand and we make our way to his moms car.

I go over to the passenger side and get in


"Carter chill I'm just talking you to the park."

"Oh ok"

I haven't been to the park in so long. I remember going as a little kid with my parents with Aria and Caden. I still remember that time where I was on a swing and a little boy came and pushed me off. Caden saw and ran towards the boy and punched him. I know we were probably like around 7&6. Of course he still got in trouble but ever since than I always saw him as my hero,   Until now.

"Ok we're here" Jackson say and gets out of his car.

I get out as well

"Jackson why did you bring me here" I ask

"Because,   I wanted to spend time with you" he says

I look down a start to blush.

"Oh ok" I say

We start to walk on a trail that lead some where. I actually have never been to this park before. It was kinda hidden,   Not to many people where here. Maybe about 3 family's. It was kinda in the woods.

"Ok Jackson it's getting dark can we please head back" I say

He stops and turns back I get a good look at him and it's not Jackson it's some random dude.

"Um I'm sorry wrong person miss the exit is that way" the male points

I slowly back up and make my way towards the exit. Even though I was walking for at least 20 minutes behind some random dude. How in the hell did I lose Jackson I swear to god I was right behind him the whole time. I started to get even darker and scarier did I forget to mention IM LOST IN THE FREAKING WOODS AND IM FREEZING TO DEATH!

"Jackson" I call out and a tear slides down my cheek

"Jackson please" I yell out now I'm actually sobbing I was terrified. What if that man back there kidnap me or something.


I head foot steps coming my way out of the dark.

"Jackson" I manage to say

He come out of the woods and immediately hugs me. He pulls away and grabs the two sides of my face.

"Are you alright, Are you ok, Did you get hurt I'm sorry I lost you." Then he pulls me back unto the hug.

"Jackson please don't ever lose me again" I say

"I promise princess" he says

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