"I don't know, Sirius. When you first started talking to me again I was scared. I almost didn't want to be your proper friend again, I was scared I'd fall in love with you once more and I didn't know if I could handle that again." 

"I'm sorry I went with Marlene, I didn't want to leave you lot, but I thought it would be better for you if I wasn't there." Remus smiled sadly and turned his head to look down at Sirius. 

"I know. At least I figured that's why, so did James. Lily is completely furious though, she'd probably punch you when she sees you again. James might too, but then he'd hug you and curse you for leaving. I'm not sure about Peter." Sirius grinned despite the circumstance.

"I already got an earful," Sirius said mindlessly.


"James," Sirius explained, "He already cussed me out, but then he cried because he'd missed me so much."

"James was here?" Remus gasped. "Is he okay?"

"The little shit has his cloak, they won't see him coming." Remus felt a lot of tension leave his body and he slumped back even more, if physically possible. Even if he didn't slump back, he certainly felt better. "So can I heal your wounds?" Remus nodded and Sirius got off him, casting the healing charms on every wound he could see, before handing Remus his own wand.

"Why did you say anything sooner?"

"I enjoyed cuddling you," Sirius said playfully.

"It was more me not being able to move because I was in so much pain, but sure Sirius, if that's what you want to call it."

"I just love cuddling you."

"Because of that stunt, it may be the very last time you do that." Remus got to his feet and gave the door a shove, and it squeaked open. Remus glanced back at Sirius who was also on his feet and following close behind him. Remus grabbed his clothes, handing Sirius his pair of boxers and his shirt, while he put on his jeans and jacket, so both of them were fairly clothed. They made it up the stairs without any trouble and ended up in the same room they had ended up in before, except this time it was empty. They continued on their way, looking for some sort of exit. Or James, whichever they found first.

"This place is one giant bloody maze," Sirius grumbled.Remus silently agreed, he was in pain and he just wanted to find James and get out, he wouldn't feel right leaving without his best friend. He couldn't just leave James here, he refused to. 

"Where is James?" Remus grumbled, mostly to himself.

"Are you forgetting he has the cloak? He could be following us waiting to give us a giant fucking scare," Sirius replied quietly. Remus grinned despite himself because Sirius was right. Remus stopped in his tracks, and something ran into him. Something that wasn't Sirius. Remus turned around and grabbed at seemingly thin air, but is hand made contact with the cloak and he pulled it off a sheepish looking James.

"We need to get out, I've contacted the wizarding authorities and they're on their way, we need to leave." James proceeded to step in front of them and lead them out. They were quite literally in the middle of nowhere, only dirt and fields of corn as far as the eye could see. James grabbed his friends' hands and apparated them away. Remus collapsed once he arrived back in the hotel room due to many different factors. The world was spinning and his head was throbbing, he felt sick from the transformation and because he hadn't drunk anything for multiple days, nor had he eaten. Remus ended up throwing up the little substance he had left in his body before completely slipping out of consciousness. He'd held on as long as he needed to, he was in safe hands now.

Sirius knelt beside him and brushed his hair out of his face with shaking hands. He'd really fucked up, he'd thought he was helping Remus but as it turns out he was doing the complete opposite. Sirius leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on his temple before standing back up and letting Lily do what Lily did best, take care of Remus after the moon. Sirius sat on the bed and watched Lily tend to Remus.

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