Your Songs (Friend Version)

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All Eyes on Me by Tupac.
You both like to rap to it when you're bored. It just makes you both feel connected and being goofy every now and then.

Rap Monster:
Theme Song for F.R.I.E.N.D.S 
You both grew up watching this show so at some point when hanging out you'll both break out singing. 

Run Devil Run by Girl's Generation
For some reason, you both would randomly sing it at times and it just became your song. So every time one of you started singing it, the other had to join.

Rain is a Good Thing by Luke Bryan
You found this song ironic to you both, so you showed it to Jin. Now every time he sees you, he'll sing the chorus, which makes you die of laughter.

You got a Friend in me by Randy Newman
Since you both were very childish, you sang this song when you or him were feeling down or just not happy. It always seemed to cheer you both up

MIC Drop by BTS
For some reason, the lyrics makes since about your relationship with V. You have a love hate between him, even though he doesn't know about it. He just thinks you really like the song.

Saviour by Black Veil Brides
This song made you think about J-Hope a lot. When you showed it to him, he literally cried and hugged you tightly.

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