Just One Picture

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It was early in spring, and the day was pleasantly warm; unusual for this time of year in Amestris. Birds sang and wildflowers and tufts of soft, spring grass could be seen weaving their way through the cracks in the cement, growing up wherever there was soil for them to take root. At the edge of a small graveyard, just outside the busiest part of Central, a black car slowed to a stop, the engine sputtering to a halt as the key was removed from the ignition. A tall, dark haired man, clad in full military uniform, climbed from the vehicle, slamming the door shut behind him. Wordlessly, he climbed the hill before him, passing grave after grave, until he stood at the top of the hill, before a grave that stood apart from the others. Maes Hughes, it read, 1885-1914. The man stood there for a long moment, simply staring at the stone before him. "Maes..." He finally murmured, after what seemed a long time, "It's Roy." He laughed softly, the barest smile tracing his lips. "It's been awhile, hasn't it, now?" He was silent for another moment, lost in thought, and by his appearance, fighting tears. "You were right, you know." He said when he'd found his voice again, "All those times I told you to bug off... and you were right." The soldier smiled sadly, a golden ring glinting in the sunlight when he held up his hand, as if his comrade could see it. "I finally asked her... and she said yes. Riza and I finally tied the knot. I don't think I've ever been so happy..." The man's eyes traced the name carved into the weathered stone. "I just wish you could've been there. Gosh, I know how annoying you would've been." He laughed to himself, adding, "You would've rubbed in the fact that you were right until I threatened to burn you to a crisp... maybe even after that. But... we wouldn't have meant it... either of us. You would've been my best man." He smiled at the thought before continuing. "You should've seen Armstrong's face when we started dating... when he realized he'd lost the bet you two made. Riza asked me out first, after all. It took me two years to work up the courage to ask her to marry me. Two years, Maes." The soldier laughed, shaking his head at the thought. "It's been about a year since the wedding. Actually, that's why I came out here today. I have something to show you." The man reached into his jacket, pulling out a single photograph. "After all those pictures of Elicia you made me look at, I figured I ought to show you at least one of my son..." He bent down, placing the photo at the base of the grave. It was a small picture of a blonde, hazel eyed woman holding a small, smiling baby while the dark haired man stood next to them, with his arms wrapped around them both. He was smiling in the picture; grinning so hugely that it hurt, but on that day, he couldn't stop. He'd been so happy... "He's barely seven days old now, so I've only got the one picture, but don't worry, I'll be back to make you suffer through thousands more... and don't think you'll escape hearing the stories, either!" The soldier added with a chuckle, "You'll hear everything from his first words to his favorite color to how adorable he is playing with Black Hayate." The smile dimmed slightly as his eyes left the stone to gaze into the cloudless sky above him. "His name's Maes, after you. Maes Mustang. Riza and I couldn't decide on a middle name, so we didn't give him one, but we both agreed to name him after the bravest soldier we'd ever known." The man's obsidian eyes fell back to the stone. "Well, I've got to go now. Riza and I have been taking turns watching the kid, and today's my turn to go in and try and finish my paperwork. Just because she's not there threatening me doesn't mean she won't shoot me when I get home if my work isn't done..." He trailed off, laughing softly. "You know how she is." He turned away, tossing a last glance over his shoulder. "Seeya, Hughes." He whispered as he walked away, a sigh escaping his lips as the rain finally started to fall. It was a beautiful, cloudless day in Central.


Just an idea that popped into my head and demanded to be written. I know it's sad but once i thought of it I just couldn't not write it, ya know? hope everyone likes it!

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