Part 2: The Wish

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Authoress' Note: A year ago, I wouldn't have bothered writing a Tournament of Power story, but as the series progressed, I started warming up to the idea.

Still kind of disappointed with the direction of episode 130's lack of rule reinforcement by the high deities. Were they that excited about the slugfest to care or was it just bad writing? Either way, I'm running with this potential plot hole and just going to milk it for all its worth.

Well then, considering how I ended the last chapter, I did not write the elimination of Universe 11 since I skimmed over these details. I will admit I was more into Goku's internal pain after he lost control of Ultra Instinct.

You can consider this a cop-out on details regarding the other universe; however, until this new episode, we had no idea how the higher powers were going to handle the wish.

Anyway, here's the long-awaited second part of this story that covers what I think should have happened in the next episode. I started some of this chapter right before the airing of the episode, especially since we all are familiar with the Grand Priest's trolling nature.

Somehow, I wonder how the Grand Priest had managed to keep his job without pissing off Zeno with his holier-than-thou behavior. I still think he's creepy, and I am SO ready to abuse this privilege of writing him in this chapter...

Even if others are not comfortable with this idea of me abusing his character a bit...

Anyway, time to write this conclusion since the last episode left me completely excited! I have so many ideas spinning in my head it's ridiculous!

~Chibi Mirai Gogeta


Part 2: The Wish

Moments earlier, before Beerus, Whis and co. join the destroyed platform where Goku had fallen out of Ultra Instinct...

Jiren found himself among the rest of the warriors from Universe 11 that had been knocked out earlier in this farce of a tournament. He glanced back at the ring where Son Goku screamed in agony, the power of Ultra Instinct taking its absolute toll upon the warrior's body. Had he landed on some sort of platform instead of being far flung into the void, he could have won...

...yet, at this point, did Jiren actually deserve a hollow victory after what that man had said? It was his actions that made the Pride Trooper lose what sense of reasoning he had left, and now, his actions had doomed their universe.

Jiren was literally numb of emotion. He had failed to ensure that their universe had survived all due to his selfish reasons. He was ready for them to reject him just as he had been in the past, to be scorned for his actions up to this point.

"Jiren," Toppo's voice interrupted his internal brooding as cradled the gray-skinned alien with the palm of his left hand, "thank you for everything."

The Pride Trooper's eyes widened in surprise, turning to the candidate God of Destruction. Jiren almost though he misheard the other man's words. "Toppo, after all I did, and what I said about you and the others..."

"You shouldn't blame yourself," Toppo reassured. "No one blames you for what you've said and done."

"No, Son Goku does," Jiren noted the man whose screams continued to reach them, the purple bolts of lightning raking against his flesh as the shiny hair faded back into raven locks. "I had committed the greatest sin..."

Toppo said nothing more to try and reassure his comrade in arms. He knew the turmoil that ravaged Jiren's psyche had left an immense scar.

"All of Universe 11's warriors have dropped out," the Grand Priest's voice echoed in the grand stands, not bothered by the fact that all of Universe 7's warriors that had been eliminated were killed earlier by Jiren's senseless attack. He held his head down, his eyes closed almost though solemnly addressing them in a formal manner. He was speaking as if he were merely honoring the dead.

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