Chapter One ~ Greenie

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A/N. This is not Newtmas. This is Newt x OC. I will, however, be writing a Newtmas book after I finish this. Thanks!

I wake up in a cold metal box. No memories of who I am. The clanging from the box as it goes up is almost unbearable. I sit for about ten minutes, until it finally stops.

I see the light, and I cower. Why am I in some box, going up? Well, I guess it isn't going up anymore. The lid cracks open and I hear voices.

"Nice, a Greenie! Same time as last month."

"Wonder what he's like."

He? I'm fairly sure I'm female. I look down. Definitely female.

Someone jumps in. "Bloody hell!" He stares at me, his big brown eyes examining me.

"What is it, Newt?" A voice comes from above, and someone else jumps in.

"It's a girl!" Newt, I assume, replies. I catch a strong accent. It's kinda cute. I shake that thought out of my mind. I don't know my own name, I'm not gonna think of relationships yet.

The two boys clamber out, and I stand upright. Then a rope comes down.

"Girl, grab the rope." I do. Why argue?

And as I'm hauled out, I see a crowd of about twenty boys. I just stand there, staring.

"Welcome to the Glade." Newt says.

"Woah." I look around before starting back at him. "Can I get food now?"

The other boy who jumped in earlier laughs. "I think you're gonna fit in real well, Greenbean."


After I get my food, some letters start to come back to me. I'm sat alone, until Newt comes over.

"Hey, Greenbean. How are you?" He questions.

"I'm doing ok. What is this place?" I ask, after swallowing.

"I don't really know, I've only been here a few months. Everyone else has been here for only two or three. But it's a nice community, from what I can tell. I'll give you the tour tomorrow, along with Alby."

"Who's the leader here?" I blurt.

"We don't really have one, but we'll have to look into that. No questions until tomorrow. Come on, we'll find out what to do with you." He stands up, expecting me to follow.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask wearily.

"You can't sleep with the boys. Some of us have bedrooms, you'll probably stay in one of them." He tells me. "And don't worry about your name. You'll remember soon enough."

And we walk off to the 'Homestead', as a grinding noise begins. I don't question it, remembering what Newt told me.


I wake up, to a face close to mine. It's Newt, and stood behind him is someone I don't recognise.

"Hey, Newt. Who's that?" I ask tiredly.

"I'm Minho, the most handsome here." He replies. He's kinda cute, but not really.

"Alby's busy today, so Minho's helping out." Newt answers me.

I reach to my left, as if I'm getting something. I find nothing.

"So, what's your name, Greenie?" Minho asks, while looking in the mirror and fixing his hair.

Without thinking, I say something. "Dasha," I squint at him. "Am I really the only girl?" I ask.

"Yeah. So everyone's gone a bit mad. There isn't many of us, so it's not really a big deal, I'm sure there'll be more." And with that, I get them out, get changed, and we begin the tour.


I find out where the showers are, the crate is in the centre and I've been staying in the Homestead. There's a farm, that they've just started to get up and running. And they have a kitchen, very near the Crate.

After that, they explain to me where we actually are.

"This is gonna be hard to believe, but this is a Maze. We were sent here by the Creators. They open and close the doors at the same times every day. We've just started to send people out. We're getting organized here in the Glade."

"This is all so crazy..." I breathe.

"You'll get settled real soon, Greenie. Real soon."


That night, at dinner, I sit with Newt and Minho.

"So, what do I look like? How old am I?" I wonder.

"You are very pale, quite skinny, beautiful smile and dark curly hair. You look about fourteen, same as all of us." Says Newt, very kindly.

"You squint a lot." That's Minho.

"Thanks for that. But genuinely, everything is a bit blurry..." I mumble the end.

"I think you need glasses. Not sure what to do about that. Hopefully we'll get some contacts for you later." Newt tells me.

"Well, thanks. What happens tomorrow?"

"You'll go with me, and you'll try the different jobs. We don't have many, so later on you can always change. So far we have Med-jack, Cook, Runner, Track-hoe and Slicer. Tomorrow, you can be a Slicer. Best to get it over with..."


I am not being a Slicer; that was terrible.

Track-hoes bend over a lot.

I'm not allowed to be a Runner yet.

I can't even make a pie.

But I'm great with medicines, so I join Clint in the Infirmary? No one has a name for it yet.

But I do my job.

A/N. Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I will be updating as much as possible. Is it a decent length? I'm sorry if I've confused you, but she's the second Greenie to come. Next will be in the next month. I do not own the Fever book, so I'm making do with the internet. Any mistakes please tell me. I hope you enjoy!

No Gally yet. I wonder why? *Evil laugh*

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