Chapter Two: Gratitude

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They had visited the hospital and saw that Tanaka was alright after the attack. They had also found that Madame Red, their Aunt Ann, had been worried about them since she heard of the attack. She told them that their parents' bodies were found yet they couldn't find theirs. No wonder, since they were still alive. They had also visited the left overs of their burned manor. The two siblings stood in front of the graves of their parents. They still couldn't believe that their own parents had been killed. "Mother....Father...." the two called out for their parents. That was the first and last time that Sebastian heard the two call for their parents with a wanting to be by their side again. Felicia stood back up from the ground and dusted the dirt off her baggy pants. "I think we should find a tavern or pub to stay in," said Felicia as her brother, Ciel, stood up again.

"Nonsense," stated Sebastian as he brought the siblings to the manor again. Their jaws suddenly dropped as they saw their manor, shining in all its glory with not a dint or detail missing. "An Earl and his family must live in a beautiful and huge estate." Sebastian walked up to the door and opened it for them. "Welcome home, my lord and lady." The two entered their home. It felt so real, as if nothing happened. No fire. No murder. Nothing.

Felicia waited in the bathroom for Sebastian to attend to her. Before, Ciel was being bathed and let's just say it didn't go too well. Sebastian seemed new to the butler aesthetic. Hopefully he will learn from his mistakes with her. Felicia stared out the window, looking at the stars twinkling in the sky. She placed her hand upon it and couldn't help but show a small smile. "At least you are with them," she whispered, referring that her parents are at peace with the stars that shone in the sky. She turned around and saw Sebastian standing there.

"I believe it is time for your bath now, my lady," he said as he filled the bath with water, getting the temperature just right so he wouldn't repeat the same mistake. Felicia dipped her finger in the water, approving of how warm it was. She looked back up at Sebastian as he stared back at her. "Let me help you undress." Felicia nodded as he approached her, covering his eyes with a blindfold which was his tie. Felicia unbutton her shirt and slipped it down to the floor, Sebastian picking it up, and folding it neatly. She stared down at the symbol on her chest and couldn't help but sniff. "Is something wrong, my lady?" Sebastian asked with concern.

"If only it was my soul to be taken in the end," she stated, referring to the contract Ciel and Sebastian had. Sebastian shook his head.

"It was your brother who had formed the contract and his wish so that means it's his soul that would be taken," he replied. Felicia slipped off her baggy pants and undergarments as the thoughts continued to run through her head. She stepped into the tub and pulled her legs close to her chest, not wanting to be reminded of the hell she went through.

"You can look now," she said, turning her head slightly to see Sebastian's. "I should be used to it after all that..." Sebastian hesitantly took the tie off his face and kneeled down to the tub.

"Forgive me for asking, but what happened to you at that place," he asked politely as he washed the poor girl's back. "I know of what happened to your brother since that's how he summoned me in the first place. But I'm not quite sure about your story." Felicia sighed and gazed into the water.

"I'm not sure why but I wasn't needed as a sacrifice they....," Felicia tried to explain what happened but the memories of what happened

"I'm Felicia Phantomhive," she stated. "I'm the eldest of the Phantomhive children at 16 years of age. And....that place...." Her voice began to crack as the memories came back. "That place was hell. They torched us, used my brother as a sacrifice, and me? Let's just say I was..."

"Was what, my lady?" he asked as he suddenly stopped washing her back. A sudden rage was felt in the pit of Felicia's stomach. If those people Sebastian killed were alive, she would rip them all to pieces. She turned her head around, showing the anger and sadness in her face.

"I was nothing but a sex object to them!!" she exclaimed, sending Sebastian into shock. "Expelling sins? What a load of bullshit! They took the one thing that made me pure, not by will but by force." The tears threatened to fall down Felicia's face which they eventually did, dropping into the warm water. She turned her head back to her knees and buried her head into them as the tears continued to pour down her face. Sebastian didn't know how to feel about this happening to a young girl like her. He had never met any young girl who had suffered this terrible. He rubbed her back gently with sympathy as she looked up at him. "B-But.... Thank-you for saving our lives," she said as she managed to smile up at him. Sebastian looked down and smiled back at her. This was the first time someone had expressed a grateful thank-you to him.

"Your welcome, my lady. Now, I shall leave you for now and once you are finished, I shall bind your wounds," he said as he bowed and left the room. Felicia sighed and finished washing off the blood of her body. She slipped on her long white night gown with straps and walked into her room, where she saw Sebastian with a medical kit for her. She sat down on the bed and waited for him to bandage her up. He took out a few rolls of bandages and looked at how bruised she was, cuts that tore through her fragile skin, and how her eyes seemed lifeless but filled with terror. Anger. Burning. That constant burning in her eyes remained. And that burning was the craving for revenge. He sighed and wrapped the bandages around her arms and legs, as well as putting a few on her face. He couldn't help but feel sympathy for her. "Are you alright my lady?" he asked her and placed a hand gently on her shoulder.

"I-I'm fine," she said and brushed his hand aside. "Just a bit tired." Sebastian bowed politely to her and left the room so she could sleep. Felicia sighed and looked up at the large arched window in her room. She slipped off the side of her bed and touched the window frame as she looked up at the stars. She watched as she imagined them dancing in the sky, as if the family was all together again. She instantly looked away from the window and buried herself under the covers of her bed, crying herself to sleep.

During the middle of the night, she felt another presence in her bed. She fluttered her eyes open and looked under the covers and saw that Ciel had crawled into bed with her. She held him tightly as she watched him cry and squirm in his sleep. "Shhh it's alright, Ciel," she whispered and gently stroked his head. "We will get through this..... We will..... get through.... all of this...." And she fell asleep with her beloved brother by her side.

The demon roamed the halls during the night, sensing that his master was asleep. He chuckled to know that he was going to have an interesting time with him, seeing what such a young boy could order from him. But the maiden was even more interesting. She seemed to be a kind and gentle soul, but that would change. Her purity had been taken from her by force, her parents were murdered, her estate burned down. Who knows the woman she would become?

Hi everyone! Sorry for the shorter chapter but I'll make these longer in the future alright? Too-da-loo my fellow otakus and weeaboos!

So Unladylike || Sebastian Love Story ||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz