The Amusement Park

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Chapter eleven

Harry’s POV

I was looking across the crowd at the carnival, where was she? Louis told me she would be here. I felt terrible for how I treated her, with Sarah. I didn’t even like Sarah, I was just getting really jealous of Skye and Zayn. Then I found her, short shorts, a shirt that showed her stomach and her hair just left out. She looked so beautiful and natural, unlike Sarah who had caked her face with makeup and straightened her hair to death. I felt a sudden tapping on my shoulder, I swiftly turned to an unwanted face. Sarah, I told her o go home and that what had happened was a mistake, that I loved someone else.

“Harry, I know you told me that what we did last night was a mistake but I know that’s not true. We just connected and I know we are meant to be together” Sarah said.

“Sarah, I tried to tell you as nice as possible but you just don’t understand. I love someone else not you, we were a mistake. And no we aren’t meant to be together I don’t even know you” I told her, feeling bad for hurting her feelings.

“Harry you don’t know Skye either” she shot back at me. And it hit me like a bullet, she was right. I didn’t know Skye but yet her feelings, emotion and personality just shone through her, as if it were written all over her face. “Sarah please just leave me alone. I didn’t want to have to be rude about it, but you just don’t want to listen.” I replied, shock written over her face.

I looked over to the nearly prepared stage, it was almost time. When I turned back to where Skye was I saw Louis and he shot thumbs up my way. Skye turned to see who Louis was signing to when her eyes met mine, a slight smile grew on both of our faces.  There was a slight pat on my shoulder as I was greeted by one of the stage directors. “We’re ready to go, good luck mate” he smiled at me. I walked up to the stage and hear a few screams.

“Arrr, well today I’m going to sing you guys a song, with the help of my boys. This song is dedicated to a special someone from me. Come on up boys” I spoke into the microphone, and the boys joined me on stage. They boys greeted the crowd of the carnival goers, before the tune started. “This one’s for you Skye” Louis shouted, looking over at Skye.

 Skye’s POV

Harry walked up on stage, what was he doing? Then he started to speak into a microphone, “Arrr, well today I’m going to sing you guys a song, with the help of my boys. This song is dedicated to a special someone from me. Come on up boys” and with that Louis left my side and walked over to the stage. I was worried and I was now left in the crowd of crazy people by myself. Then a turn started, I thought I would’ve known what song because when I lived with mum and dad, Mia always had their music blaring throughout the house, but I was unfamiliar with this one.

Then Liam started singing:

From the moment I met you everything changed

I knew I had to get you whatever the pain

I had to take you and make you mine

I would walk through the desert I would walk down the aisle

I would swim all the oceans just to see you smile

Whatever it takes is fine

Oh oh oooh oh so put your hands up

Oh oh oooh oh coz it's a stand up

And I won't be leaving 'til I've finished stealing every piece of your heart

Every piece of your heart

I know your hearts been broken but don't you give up

I'll be there yeah I know it to fix you with love

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