"Call me cute again and I'm gonna pinch you." Came the stern response.

"If you pinch me, I'm trapping you in there, so I wouldn't--OWWW!!!" Chandler was cut off as sudden pain shot through his chest, right where Ashton was... The little sneaky shit had actually pinched him.

"Alright...you asked for it." Chandler smirked, buttoning his shirt pocket, trapping his friend in darkness, warmth, and confusion. He felt tiny little hands push outward on the fabric, then they started pulling at the shirt desperately.

"Hey! Let. Me. OUT!!!" Came the muffled, frustrated cry.

"Nope." Was Chandler's sly response. He felt the toe of a tiny shoe kick him in the chest. Barely anything. He put his hand on the pocket, lightly pushing Ashton to his chest. Even though nobody could see it, he made a face of mock hurt.

"You want to get away from me that badly? I'm offended!" The giant boy pouted, grabbing his popcorn bowl and heading to the living room. He felt his little friend pound and flail around in the sealed pocket until he sat down, got comfortable, taking extra long time just so he would be annoying, and turned the TV on, heading to Netflix.

Chandler finally unbuttoned the pocket, gently grabbing Ashton in a loose fist, and setting him down on the sofa cushion next to him. Ashton decided to bite one of the fingers curled around him. Chandler yelped and dropped Ashton the last two or so inches onto the couch.

"Why'd you bite me?!" Chandler asked, examining the small teeth marks. Ashton shrugged, keeping his straight face the best he could.

"Because you imprisoned me against my will. I figured that was adequate payback." He deadpanned, grinning widely by the time he finished. He hoped Chandler wasn't actually mad at him for biting. He looked around the room awkwardly, plopping down on the cushion.

"So, what are we watching?" Ashton asked, looking up to his friend, who had already started eating the popcorn.

"Not sure, let's see if we can find something." Chandler suggested, flipping through Netflix suggestions. "What about this movie? Keep Watching?" He asked. Ashton shook his head.

"Uh-uh. Looks like a horror movie, and I don't need giant jumpscares. They'll be much louder, too. And I don't want to be deaf and tiny." He explained.

"Alright, then. What about..." Chandler trailed off as he flipped through movies and tv shows, pausing as he saw an interesting one, "ooh! How about The Walking Dead?" He asked, looking down at his friend, whose eyes lit up. He nodded.

"I've been meaning to start watching, so I guess there's no time like the present!" Ashton said. So, Chandler began playing the pilot episode. Ashton found himself scooting closer to his friend until he was leaning on him. Chandler smiled, feeling the light weight of his friend lean against him. He slowly reached his hand around, resting it lightly against Ashton protectively.

"H-Hey Chandler?" Ashton's voice croaked a little.

"Yeah, Ash?"

"Why are my parents not looking for me?" He asked, only now realizing his mother hadn't been frantically calling and texting him.

"Oh! Shit, I forgot to tell you! I, uh, texted your mom and told her you were staying the whole weekend over at my house. I didn't feel right going on your phone while you were in that state, but I just didn't want your parents to worry where you were. I'm sorry." Chandler felt guilty for not telling him. Ashton had probably felt like his parents didn't even care.

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