Ep 1: Dream School

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When Jason was small, he dreamt of being a celebrity so that more people would know him and worship him.He imagined being the richest person in South Korea.To achieve that dream he decided that he would study at a school of arts, but his parents couldn't afford it.

Jason then decided to work at a young age so that he could study at that school and become world famous.

But how would he find a job at such a young age?

Jason went to a local grocery store 5 minutes away from his house and asked the owner if he could work there to gain money so he could study at his dream

Owner:"yes, there is a job for you but i don't know if you're up to it."

Jason agreed and the owner showed him his working station.

Owner:"here. you first must separate the expired foods and the ones that aren't. Not that hard right?"

Jason then started working.
Then he heard a strange ruffling sound at the back of the shop and he checked it out.
He saw 2 men...who were they?

keep reading to find out.

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