Chapter 2: I Am

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"I am never forgotten, this is the anthem for the sick and rotten,"

I Am by Hollywood Undead

Annabeth's throat felt tight when Sinatra told them the name of her mother. "You mean..." Percy said as he sat back in his chair. This couldn't be happening, this girl was reminding her of the place she wanted so desperately to forget. Coach Hedge quickly stood up and left once he put the pieces together.

"We can't have her on here... She is the offspring of something so evil..." Reyna said quickly. The room was silent as they eyed one another.

"Who is Eris?" Leo asked.

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "We met her in Tartarus, she is the goddess of strife and chaos. Daughter of Nyx herself."

"You met my mother?" The girl asked, her voice full of suprise.

"Sadly yes... Her and Nyx... We met all of your family, I guess you could call it..." Percy said quickly. Annabeth felt cold as she remembered the time that they spent in Tartarus. Percy walked over and wrapped his arms around her shoulders as he hugged her tightly, making her lean against him. He was warm, and soft, and much alive. Three things that made Annabeth feel more secure.

Hazel spoke up, "We can't just kick her off the ship!"

"I think we have too. She is dangerous." Reyna said quickly. No matter where she was she took a spot as a leader.

"I say we handle this democratically, let her state her case. Explain who she is. Then we vote." Jason explained.

Everyone agreed. Nico hadn't moved an inch. His blade was still leveled at the girl, a hard expression covering his face. This was going to suck.

Being on the surface seemed like a dream, but once she was free she came into this. Another deadly she wished was for a day where she didn't have to be in fear and pain. A day when she could really be safe and free, but as she stood there the point of the boys blade grazing her throat, she realized no where was safe.

She gathered her words quickly, "I'll be honest, I swear on the river Styx." She promised as the boy stepped back. His dark eyes still burning a hole in her.

Clearing her throat she looked at the people who stared at her. An uneven number. She only needed five people to like her. "Only five..." she whispered almost inaudibly. She had never had five people like her and trust her. But now it was her chance.

"My name is Sinatra, my father named me after his favorite musical artist. He was drunk at the time. He was always drunk. My mother and father fell in love after my mother saw who he really was. I was born October 31st 1976, the only child of Eris. My father was insane, and a drunk, but he loved me. Though he was not a good man, he is known for killing six people, and wounding six others, his name David Berkowitz. When I was ten months old he realized he was soon going to be apprehended, so he gave me to an orphange with a note that the ladies who took care of the place was supposed to give me when I was 11.

"Though through that time I was bullied, called a freak, a loser, a outcast. I was attacked and hit daily by other children. When my 11th birthday came I read the letter, it stated who I really was, and how my father loved me dearly. A murder loved his daughter..." She paused, her eyes had been looking down the whole time, but she refused to look up.

"I kept the note hidden. Kept my parentage hidden. Until November 1st, Dias Di Mortis, a boy named Jeffery found my note. He saw who my father was, he showed the other kids as I tried to take it from him. All the older boys grew mad and scared. They took me out to the woods that night, beat me, killed me on accident. I died not the death of a hero but of a small child.

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