Those deep blue eyes (shuu x reader)lemon

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You walked down the dark cold hallway after getting a late night snack. All the sudden you were knocked up against the wall. You winced in pain and shock. "Hello Bitch-Chan" a cold voice ran up your spine. His mouth was very close to your neck. You pushed away. "Not now Laito." You exclaimed. But it was no use his fangs bit into your neck with no hesitation. After he was finished you stumbled down the hall, sore and weak. You shut the door and everything went blurry. You started to fall and everything went black.

You slowly opened your eyes. You were in a magnificent bed. The room was covered in shades of blue and very organized. You stretched your arms above your head and sat up rubbing your eyes sleepily. "Good Morning" there was no mistake that was Shu's voice. You turned slowly, not sure if you should be scared, or happy. Your feelings are mixed for this beautifully demented man. "Why am I here?" you asked softly trying not to anger him. He didn't say anything. He just stared at you with his sleepy look.

You got up slowly, getting ready to head for the door. Of course you didn't get far. A strong grip grabbed your hips and pushed you back down on the bed. You squealed in surprise. "Shu what are you doing?" you questioned. You were becoming uncomfortable and insecure under his gaze. He was never like this; if he wanted blood he would just take it. He never hesitated. Your body was trembling underneath his grasp.

"Why are you trembling?" his voice sent shivers up your spine. He lowered his mouth close to your ear. "I can hear your heart speed up" he whispered in your ear. He moved your hair to the side and his face was immediately filled with anger. "Who did this to you?" he griped. You flinched in fear and pain as his hands touched the sensitive bite marks. "Laito?" he asked. You just nodded your head and closed your eyes. He sighed and ran his hand through the back of your hair and looked away.

Your heart hurt. You didn't understand why you were aching to have him near you. You sat up and slowly tried to move off the bed. You felt used and unworthy for some odd reason. There was a part of you that wished only for him to have you in anyway. Your hand reached for the door slowly, trying to hide this ache in your chest. Tears threatened to break through your eyes. Right as you went to open the door; hands found your hips and pushed you against the door causing you to squeal in surprise.

Shu's body was pressed up against your back, pinning you against the door. He moved the hair away and you could feel his hot breath on your neck giving you chills. You winced as you felt his soft lips grazing across laito's marks. You felt his tongue flick across the marks and the pain was slowly disappearing. It was being replaced by pleasure; your knees were going weak against the door. You felt his strong arm wrap around your waist and spin you towards him.

You were automatically pinned up against the door, your legs straddling one of his as he held you up. His tongue danced around the front of your neck, causing you let out small gasps. His mouth slowly moved farther down to your collar bone. You saw him smile against your skin. "You're getting excited... how dirty you are." He murmured against your flesh. Without hesitation he sank his fangs into your chest, causing you to let out a scream of pain. He instantly covered your mouth with his hand as he continued to drink your blood. Your screams were muffled by his hand and the pain was slowly subsiding.

Your body gave way and you landed on his knee. He retracted his fangs and picked you up by your hips and moved you to the bed shoving you down forcefully. Before you could even think another thought. Strong hands were on your legs pulling you to the edge of the bed. He knelt down in front of you and slid his hands slowly up your skirt. He brought you closer to his face and you could feel his hot breath on your thigh. You took a deep breath as his soft lips gently grazed your skin. Your bodies reaction to his touch, was betraying you. "I can smell your excitement." He said. His words brought a crimson red blush to your cheeks.

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