Chapter Thirty-Three - Lucy's Sticky End

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He landed and his white blonde hair fell over his face. As he pushed it back, I saw a horrid sight. Huge dark circles had formed around his eyes and his lips were dry and cracked. I don't know how I ever managed to love this man. He was ugly inside and it was starting to seep through.

"Narcissa." He sneered. He smiled walking towards me. "Crucio!" He yelled stabbing his wand in my direction.

I cried out as the pain rocketed through my body. I fell to my knees on the gravel and jerked violently as he continued to torture me. This went on for a while before I cried out begging him to stop.

He stopped and stood still as I whimpered in pain.

I heard to gravel crunch as he took a step towards me and I cowered beneath him.

He halted right above me and held out his pale hand for me to take. His cloak billowed in the wind and I reluctantly took his hand knowing that if I didn't, he would torture me again.

I lifted a shaky arm and put my hand in his. He crouched down and gently helped me up off the cold ground. I lifted my eyes to stare at him and he looked hurt. He folded me in his arms and hugged me tight.

"I'm sorry my love. I had to do that. It was me returning the stunt you pulled at your sisters that night." He said in a dangerous voice.

I kept my arms close to my chest as he hugged me. I refused to hug him back.

"You fucking psycho." I spat. "I did that to save our son. You would have killed him otherwise."

Lucius chuckled. "Oh no love. You are so wrong. I would never have killed my own kin." He smelled of Fire-whiskey. "Just the mudblood filth he chooses to bed." I pulled away to look at him, secretly stepping back towards the boundary line around my house.

"Lucius, you and I both know your temper goes beyond rational when you're angry. You can't control what you do and to what extent you take things when you're mad." I lifted my shirt to show him the pale scar he had slashed across my tummy many years ago during a heated argument.

The knife he used was a family heirloom and as it was infused with Dark Magic, the scar never faded.

He scoffed and waved my shirt down.

"I miss you Cissa." He said stepping forward. "You cannot comprehend how upset I was when I reached the Manor after my escape to find an empty home."

He held me once more and I let him.

"I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. To you, to Draco. To our family. I want to do better. Be better. Please give me this chance." He spoke in barely a whisper.

"Lucius, Draco is his own man now. I cannot speak for him." I replied.

"Cissa I need you! I need our family! Draco will listen to you. He always has. He will accept me if you ask him to!" He growled.

"And the girl?" I asked. This was the ultimate test.

"Fuck the girl! I'll kill her myself!" He roared.

"Your son loves her Lucius! She's good f-"


I closed my eyes.

"Lucius, calm. I will speak to our son." I lied.

He relaxed and was instantly calm again. Foolish man.

"I want us to be a family again Cissa, I want things to be how they used to be. Me and you. And our boy Draco." He smiled at me.

I smiled at him back and kissed him. I did love this man once a upon a time. His guard dropped as he snaked his arms around me and I let my wand slide down my sleeve as I moved my arms to the back of his neck.

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