'The Italian Restaurant' screenplay. The first Ten pages.

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'The Italian Restaurant'   Draft 2    6-2014

First ten pages."the  (ish)

Act 1


A narrative by our male main character: Harry, his is spoken over a black screen. (with very low intro music)


Hey, My name's Harry and  I'm a server. If you've worked in the restaurant business, you already know my pain. This is my story, well our story. It didn't start out as much, maybe it was just supposed to be a summer romance. But this summer romance has lasted two years and I don't care about the changes I've made for her. When all is said and done and things get tough, her face brings me right out of it.

A second narrative would be by our female main character: Suzanne. Hers is spoken with a black screen slowly fading into a wide shot of a busy dining room with various events going on.


I'm Suzanne, and I'm just like other summer servers. This isn't going to be my career. I have a plan. But, the restaurant business can be a very seductive one. There's more perks to this place than just the money. He's a somewhat older than me... but right now I don't care, he puts a smile on my face every time I see him...

The third narrative would come back to Harry speaking while shots of our yet to be introduced servers and kitchen (BOH) workers would be going about their daily actions during what would appear to be a busy weekend night.


This redundant routine and everyday chaos is normal when you are waiting tables for a chain. There's always that corporate red tape bullshit. So the curve ball of today's pre-meal was a welcomed change. We were about to get exciting news that would alter the course of many of our lives over the next year or so...


Multiple views of the line/window where the servers would pick up their food. One angle looking down the line from the server end as a long shot. Second angle would be a view through the window from the server's POV. The third would be the view looking through the window from the line's (BOH) side.

We see two male servers walk into the kitchen and up to the EXPO line.


(As he reaches into the window for what would appear to be a type of cheese bread sticks.)

Raphael can I get the Alfredo sauce for these bread sticks.

Behind the line shot of a not paying attention line cook, busy with other things.


Is somebody talking, cause I don't see a ticket...


Raphael, that's cause I already pulled the ticket, I have the bread, I just need the Alfredo.


I don't have a ticket, I can't give you alfredo.

Inter cutting shots between Harry and Eric and Raphael continuing their work. Eric and Harry exchanging rolling eyes at each other.


Listen, fucker, its fucking busy out there right now and I don't need your shit,

(As he holds up the bread sticks to show Raphael that he clearly already has them.)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2014 ⏰

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