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So...I have come up with something




Imma stop updating this book :3

I mean I haven't updated since forever, so I'll stop.

At least I made 36(?) parts and I guess...That's enough.

My interest in writing has not yet faded and I'm still writing! only that I decided not to publish books anymore 'cause I know that it will not benefit other people.

I'm still a wattpad trash :3, I'm not just gonna leave wattpad , who would? maybe some but yeah you get my point XD.

Life's good and don't come up with the excuse You-Have-Problems-In-Life just because I'll stop writing, Life rn is fun as fudge .

Oh who am I talking? Some won't read this crap and only  1% of 7 will probably read this.

I'm just updating for the good so...

Goodbye to this Book.



You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2018 ⏰

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