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Laughter is heard off stage as two small boys run on from stage right, the taller one chases the smaller one; up some scaffolding and onto the framework of a building. The taller one tackles the smaller one and they lie there laughing uncontrollably.

BOY 2(smaller): So the boy runs up to the girl and gives her the package. She says 'What have you brought me today?' and he says 'I brought you a fish who is in love with the sun.' and she –

BOY 1: Wait what? Fishes don't have feelings. And the sun isn't someone to fall in love with. You're supposed to fall in love with people.

BOY 2: Animals have feelings just like us, actually animals are quite feeling-full.

BOY 1: Okay keep telling me...

BOY 2: So she takes the fish and kisses it.

A voice is heard from stage left

VOICE (O.S): Boys it's time for lunch!

The boys scamper down the building and run off stage right 

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