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"Relax its just someone who forgot to sign the card." Chance reassured me as he started the car.

"But look at it! Does this not look familiar to you?" I asked shoving the card into his face forcing him to look at the handwriting.

He gently lowered my hand and turned to face me.

"Kay, look at me. You are as safe as you can be. Bailey is in jail and Cameron's at a mental ward." he stated lifting my gaze to meet his.

"This.." he began waving the card "is probably someone's sick idea of a joke." he ended kissing my cheek and pulling away from the curb.

I sat back in my seat crossing my arms while we rode. Chance was right I shouldn't be worried. I'm most likely paranoid and nervous about the secret I had to share with him. I haven't told anyone in the week that I knew. The truth was, I'm scared to come clean.

"You're right." I said scrunching my eyebrows together in thought..

He glanced over at me.

"Wassup Katie? You lost your eye twinkle."

I hated how he could read my emotions so easily. I sighed deeply.

"There's something I have to tell you." I spoke softly unable to meet his eyes.

"Shoot." he replied nonchalantly  letting one hand guide the steering wheel.

What's the best way to bring about bad news? Slowly pulling the bandaid? Or ripping the bandage right off?

I decide on dropping the bomb

"I-I'm pregnant." I chocked out immediately thinking I should've defused the bomb first.

My reply was the sound of car tires screeching to a stop with enough force to make me grab the dashboard and spill my coffee.

When I overcame my whiplash, I realized that Chance slammed on the breaks so hard I could've flew through the windshield.

"What the hell Chance?!" I yelled looking at the mess that stained my skirt and the car floor.

"What the hell is right. How? We only did it one time! I thought we used protection!" he retaliated his pupils dilating after every new sentence.

"It might've broke." I shrugged my shoulders in exasperation. "Pass me some tissues so I can try to salvage this outfit."

He tossed some napkins and muttered some swear words under his breath. He began to drive the remaining blocks to my house in silence. He pulled up in front of my house, his expression unreadable. I looked down preparing myself for his hurtful reaction.

He really was reacting as if I told him he was pregnant. As a result I started to imagine the worse. Him breaking up with me. Leaving me to raise a child on my own. Ordering me to get an abortion without asking if I wanted to keep it. His strained voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Does your mom know?" he asked clearing his throat and running both hands through his hair as I seen him do many times before when he was frustrated.

I shook my head no quickly.

" Well do you want to keep it?" He asked.

The question surprised me enough to face his honey brown eyes.

"Chance I always imagined having a baby with you but we're too young. We can't even support it yet, you're only eighteen." I explained ashamed that I was planning to take away a life that hasn't even had a chance to live yet.

"I understand. I'm actually glad you decided that. We just can't do it and I could never forgive myself if I made you throw away your future to support my mistake." he responded giving me a hug.

"I'm scared Chance." I whispered hugging him tighter.

"Don't worry I'll be there to hold your hand and I'll keep those creeps away from you." he answered lifting a weight off my shoulders.

I sat back in the car and looked at my house.

"My mom is gonna flip. I'll be grounded until I'm off for college." I said as realization dawned on me.

"One more party for the road?" Chance joked.

"Actually yea. That would be great. She doesn't have to find out just yet. Right?" I asked unlocking the car door.

"Well I guess it couldn't hurt too much as long as you don't drink." he said getting out the car to walk me to my door.

"Next Friday?" I pushed.

"Umm yea. But we have to tell your mom about the baby. You need a parent for an abortion since you're still 17." he reminded me before leaving to get to basketball practice.

I nodded and went inside to collapse on my bed. Not even 24 hours back at life and I already feel like I've been run over by a train.


sorry for the late update guys I'm not very good at filler chapters :c but I tried vote for the next update.

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