Chapter 2- The landing

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Screaming. Senseless, terrified screaming. And I couldn't bring myself to stop. Mabel was already at my side willing me to calm down when Gruncle Stan and Ford burst through the door looking for the danger. They seem to realise there is none soon enough though and they head over to my bedside; I've finally stopped screaming being reduced to a pathetic snivelling mess. I hug my knees closer to my chest and tune out their voices deciding that wallowing in my self-pity and stupidity is a better choice. I know they care for me but I just want to be alone. It takes a while before they give up trying to elicit a response from me, eventually leaving one by one. Mabel being the last one to leave, dejectedly crawls back into her bed and lies there not even bothering to pretend to be sleeping. It's then and only then I slowly lie back down staring at the night sky, and its only when the sun is starting to rise do I fall back to sleep.

I find myself once more in the forest of grey, groaning I sit up glaring at the place as if it was laughing at me. Once I'm up I look at the path and decide screw it. I'm not bound by this stupid path I don't need to follow it. So I stubbornly turn around only to fall back down out of surprise. Because low and behold the dorito demon if chaos himself is floating there. Right in front of me.
"Bill...y-you're here and alive?" I ask cursing my stutter.
"Yep." The demon chirped his eye curling upwards to what I assume would be a smile.
"I can't believe this...I was just gonna forget about you but nope here you front me...still being an asshole." I ramble trailing off a bit as I realise something.
"I'd be offended if you forgot about me Pine Tree~!" Bill chimed in his loud annoying teasing tone.
"How the hell are you here?!" I shout. Because in every right this should be impossible, this is insane but then again of course it is it's Bill.
"What you didn't think I would just disappear did you? My conscious still lives on here even if my body doesn't...which will come back eventually." Bill explained.
"Ughhh just go away!" I groan pushing past Bill and walking the opposite way from the path.
"Nope! I transferred my consciousness to yours, rather easily I might add since I seem to be all you're think about so I can't." Bill laughs.
I decide to ignore him, which is a challenge enough in itsself. After an hour (a whole freaking hour) of Bill's singing acompanied with his mindless, psychotic chatter; it was easy to say I snapped pretty quickly.
"WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP?!" I yell. "First you ruin our lives and try to kill us and take over the world, you threaten to kill my twin and my Gruncles, you start the freaking apocalypse, you cause my Gruncle Stan to wipe his memory, cause us all more grief than you are worth then just show up out of nowhere and torment me in. My. Sleep!" I shout getting louder and angrier by the minute. Part of me is aware that Bill looks surprised and that he probably finds this hilarious but the rest of me is to angry to give a damn.
"So. Will. You. Just shut the hell up before I grabs some unicorn hair wrap in that fucking cipher wheel of yours, douse it some sanity and shove it up your-" (A/N: If you get the reference comments who it is down below)
"Pine Tree I think you're overreacting no even died. Look why don't you calm down take a deep breathe then put all of that-" I slap Bill's hand away as he tries to touch me and talk me down which visibly offends and angers him.
"Don't touch me you-" The motion causes me to lose my balance as fall back and land on the ground.
"Enjoying it down there?" Bill asked laughing his non existant ass off floating up there like a Goddamn bastard. I glare at him hatefully.
"Piss off Bill." I grumble getting back up and brushing myself off.
"Already told you I can't do that." Bill said shrugging.
"I hate you so much." I deadpanned.
"You love me~~" Bill teased. Rolling my eyes I push Bill away and march my way to the edge of the island.
"Er...Pine Tree?" Bill asks cautiously.
I glare at Bill once more before jumping off the edge, flipping him off mid fall.
"Oh My God!" I hear Bill yell and then start laughing manically. Geez what a drama queen. I think to myself. Hypocrite. I hear Bill's voice echo in my head, that combined with rushing sensation makes my head pound.
This time when I wake I'm not screaming, just very annoyed. "Stupid demon, stupid dream, stupid everything." I mutter to myself angrily as get out of bed and all but storm my way downstairs. "Well this day is going to be a special kind of hell." I say with an ever more familiar eye roll, full of enthusiasm.

Turns out being right isn't always a good thing.

A/N: Hey guys hope you all enjoyed! There will be more fluff (and angst) in the next chapter. Mostly angst though for the next chapter. But I swear it will get fluffier! Also as a side note if anyone seems OCC and I know they will with Dipper swearing and being sassy (mostly the anxious boi is still there xD) Bill and Tad being (probably) less psychopathic (the more I think about the less unlikely it'll be) and me making you hate a certain character people will change so if that upsets you I'm sorry I'll my best to keep them true but I can't guarantee it so I'm sorry.


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