Bonus 2: Last Push

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Back at it again!

So this will be the last bonus I think, unless you guys want to see the wedding.

"One more push" The doctor encouraged as my vagina felt as if it were tearing in two. I screamed as I gripped Lukes' hand for dear life. Fuck him and his magic sperm. I screamed and immediately some of the pressure was gone and little cries were heard. "A girl!" The doctor smiled placing the baby on my chest. I groaned as I felt another contraction and the doctor looked at me weirdly before checking down below, "oh dear, twins? How come I didn't know this?" He looked around the room and one of the nurses grabbed my little girl. I saw Lukes' eyes widen as I began to scream again, serves him right.

Finally all the pressure was gone and more cries were heard. I smiled feeling accomplished with my strong ass body. Not a lot of mothers can say they pushed 13 babies out of their vagina. "Another girl!" The doctor shouted and I smiled as he placed her on my chest. "Oh Luke we did it!" I happily shouted but not too loud, he was holding our swaddled up baby girl, we didn't want to know the gender. Or in this case genders. "What about Lucy and Lily?" I asked Luke and Luke immediately smiled nodding his head, the nurse took Lily away and Luke handed me Lucy so he could cut Lily's umbilical cord. "Hi Lucy Ann Hemmings" I smiled as tears fell out of my eyes. "The kids are going to be so happy" Luke said from across the room and I nodded. "Lily Rain Hemmings" I heard Like whisper to our little Lily and I smiled. "My perfect family" I whispered as I kissed Lucys head. They were perfect, all of my babies were perfect.


"Oh mom, twins?" Miyah asked as she entered the room with her 10 younger siblings walking behind her. Ashton soon followed after and I smiled at all my babies. "Mommy!" My quadruplets yelled happily and I smiled. Lily and Lucy laid snug on my chest. "Wow they're so small" Hunter cooed walking closer to the bed. "They don't bite" Emberlee sarcastically said sitting right beside me on the bed. "Ember, be nice" Luke sternly said and Emberlee rolled her eyes. She's already sassy and she's not even 16 yet. "Where did they come out?" Lia, one of the quads asked and my cheeks flushed at the question. "They come out of mom's tummy" Jackson said as if it were nothing. "Ohhh" All four of my quads said happily. "Wait, are they both girls?" Chester, one of the triplets asked and I nodded. "Everyone welcome Lucy Ann Hemmings and Lily Rain Hemmings" I said and everyone began to chatter happily to one another.

I'll admit sometimes it feels as if im running a farm but I wouldn't have it any other way. Soon after Miyah came and snatched Lily away carefully. I smiled as she held her youngest sister in her arms. Technically both Lucy and Lily were born at the same time but Lucy came before Lily. "Me, me, me!" Chelsea, another one of my triplets said happily and she sat beside Emberlee on the bed, "Babe, help her" I said and Luke nodded bending down to pick up Lucy and give me a kiss. I happily accepted the kiss, we both laughed as we heard the 'ews' flow through the room.

Luke carefully set Chelsea up and set Lucy carefully in her arms aiding her. "So when do you guys come home?" Miyah asked, sitting in the chair in the corner of the room. "Tomorrow afternoon or evening" I answered happily. "Is the nursery ready?" I asked worriedly as I remembered I went into early labor and me and Luke didn't get to finish the nursery. "Yes, we all finished it" Jackson, one of the twins said and I smiled happily. These babies were mine, all of them. Miyah, Jackson, Emberlee, Hunter, Chase, Chester, Chelsea, Leroy, Lia, Mia, Mason and now Lucy and Lily. Miyah is soon to be 16 and I've never been so proud of her. My baby. My babies. "Why are you crying?" Leroy, one of the quadruplets asked and I quickly wiped away the fallen tears. "Because you all are amazing and I can't believe I made you all" I smiled happily and Leroy rolled his eyes but he couldn't fight the smile on his face.

"Group hug!" I shouted and immediately everyone began to pile carefully around me, the quadruplets on me. Miyah handed Lily to Luke and Luke smiled holding both Lily and Lucy. "Come here daddy" I smiled sarcastically and he rolled his eyes smiling. He sat down beside me and I smiled. This was my life and my family. "Oh, I forgot to mention this earlier but uh Aunt JayJay is visiting and she wanted it to be a surprise but she accidentally let Sammy loose" Miyah muttered and I laughed loudly everyone soon following after. "Jaycea is here?" I asked and everyone nodded. Jaycea and me lost touch a while ago, we only just got in touch about a couple months ago and she's already got all the kids to love her.

"Who's Sammy?" I asked as I realized I didn't know who that was. "Well you were in the hospital a long time so we decided to bring in a stray and name him Sammy" Hunter said causually and my eyes widened. "What?" I asked as if I didn't hear them and Hunter looked nervous, in fact all of them looked nervous. "Who's idea was this?" I asked sternly. This cat could've had fleas of even worse rabies. "Miyahs" Everyone but Miyah said and I laughed lightly before putting on my stern face. "When we get home you and I are gonna have a stern talk, you can't just bring in stray animals without the proper things" I said and Miyah rolled her eyes before nodding. It seems they all roll their eyes, they must've got that from me.

"I love you all and let me tell you that was the last push, no more siblings!" I said and everyone began to shout back 'i love yous' while laughing. This was my perfect family.

So like I regret like almost all of the names haha because I had no real theme and it's all just like confusing to me which is why I kept putting 'on of the twins' or 'one of the quadruplets' etc

Would anyone want me to write like a seperate story? Kind of like this one? I am unfortunately deleting 'Forgiveness' since I lost all interest but I want to write a book like this but obviously better. Would anyone read it? Comment down below.

-not edited-




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