chapter twenty eight

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I looked around the hotel room, sitting down on the bed after changing into my bikini. Amanda, the kids, and I were taking a small vacation before I was thirty six weeks pregnant and I was already thirty three weeks along. We were taking a babymoon before the twins were going to come into the world.

I had gotten permission from my doctor to go on a flight to the South of France. Amanda and I had been saving up for this trip for a while now, almost since I had been four months pregnant, and we were finally on it.

I wanted to hide my body in the bikini from the world. I didn't like the way that my stomach protruded from underneath the bikini top or the fact that my belly button was now sticking out in whatever I wore and I couldn't hide it that well. I liked being pregnant though but I felt like I was the size of a whale.

Amanda came out of the bathroom and she was in a one piece bathing suit, carrying Theo on her hip in his bathing suit. Lexi and Azura had changed before us and they were dying to go down to the pool outside of the hotel. Amanda looked at me, concerned and she gave me Theo so she could help me put my flip flops on.

It wasn't necessary to have her help me put on flip flops but I needed help putting on almost all of my pairs of shoes now. It was impossible to get fully dressed by myself. I cuddled Theo against my stomach and he smiled, babbling the name he called me, mamma.

Amanda stood back up and she took Theo back to help me stand up. "Come on, girls. We're ready now."

I stood back up, groaning as I did so and pulled on a maternity cover up. It was being stretched to the seams from how large my stomach was. Azura and Lexi got up, jumping off of the bed and putting on their flip flops. I got Azura's water wings out of her suitcase and carried them as we walked down to the pool.

There wasn't that many people at the pool as it was mid afternoon so many people were out doing tourist activities. Amanda opened the gate and she almost ran into a woman who dropped a bunch of towels because of her.

"Je suis desolée," Amanda apologized. I didn't know that she could speak French at all and it sounded like it came naturally to her. "Permettez-moi aider." She carefully knelt down and picked up a couple of the towels. The woman picked up the rest of them and took the towels from Amanda.

"Merci, mademoiselle. And t'ank you for being so kind about it," the woman replied. Her accent was French and she left through the gate, closing it behind her.

"I didn't know you can speak French, babe," I said as we sat down on lounge chairs.

"I remember some of what I learned in school. Those are easy sentences to remember. I'll translate during dinner if our server can't speak English," Amanda replied. She put sunscreen onto her body and then onto Theo, Lexi, and Azura. She handed the can to me and I sprayed it over the parts of my body that were visible.


I sank into the warm water of the bath later that night. Amanda and I had managed to have a romantic evening together and have our children with us at the same time. Amanda was getting the girls into bed and putting Theo into his travel cot.

I didn't go swimming at all as I didn't want anyone to see my stomach but there had been another woman who was pregnant with twins as well who had gone swimming at eight months pregnant. She looked beautiful and she didn't have one stretch mark in sight. I had them all over my stomach and I was getting a few on my breasts.

I touched one of my breasts tenderly and felt the stretch marks on them. I brought my hand back down to my stomach, feeling the twins kick at my hand. I smiled at their activity and started to wash my body.

Amanda came into the bathroom and sat down on to the ledge of the tub. "Is everything alright, Alesha?" She asked, looking concerned again.

"I don't like the way I look right now," I admitted after a short pause. "I hate the way my body looks right now. I'm completely fat because of the twins and my stomach is covered in stretch marks. I'm the size of a whale, Amanda."

"Alesha, you still look just as beautiful as you did the day I first met you. If anything you've grown more beautiful since then. I love the fact that you're getting stretch marks because they're like battle scars of pregnancy. They show how strong you've gotten since we found out that you were pregnant six months ago," Amanda reassured. She smiled and she touched my stomach in the water. "I love you, Alesha."

"I love you too, Amanda," I replied, smiling a bit and gave Amanda a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Will you help me get out of the bath?"

There was no way I could get up from sitting down but I had wanted to take a relaxing bath after our long day of traveling and staying around the hotel.

"Sure." Amanda offered out her hands and helped get me out of the bath. I stood dripping wet on the bath mat while Amanda handed me a towel. I dried myself off quickly and got into my pyjamas. Amanda did her nightly routine while I was also getting ready for bed.

We climbed into bed a few minutes later and I turned onto my side, placing my head on Amanda's chest. She touched my stomach lightly and whispered, "good night, Alesha," into my ear.

"Good night, Amanda," I whispered back.

[] hey guys! Alesha's insecure about her body now because of the twins and the stretch marks she's getting. This was a cute, little, fluffy chapter. What did you like about this chapter and what do you think is going to happen next? Bye until the next chapter!

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