|Rules and Request Form-Covers|

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Hi, you can call me Daya. So this is where I accept requests for book covers (obviously). Kindly read the rules and fill in the form afterwards! Thanks!


1. I usually don't make romance, fanfiction, werewolf, chicklit, or vampire covers; you can request those, but there's a high chance I will not accept the request.

2. If I make you a cover, I'd deeply appreciate if you use it for two days minimum, that's all!

3. I like to keep the swearing in this book to a minimum. If the title of your book has even an abbreviation of a swear word, I won't accept your request.

4. Fulfill the payment.

All you have to do is give me credit (tag me) either in your book description or in the book itself, and vote on the chapter in this book where I post your cover.

The Form

1. Title
2. Author
3. Genre
4. Quote
5. Story description/brief summary
6. Theme you'd prefer for your cover (for example: gloomy and dark) and any particular things you want on your cover (I don't do covers with celebrities so if you want a specific celeb on your cover, I'm sorry but I'll have to work around that).
Comment here 🏹

I will reply to you in the comments here when I accept your request 👻. I will NOT REPLY to you if you put your request in another chapter.

Continue on to chapter three if you'd like to see some examples of covers that I made.

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