IMAGINE ♔ patrick hockstetter

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TITLE: you'll sleep with me
REQUESTED BY: tinytownn
A/N: sorry if you're household isn't religious (mine aren't either so), but this is just what came to mind

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"No more damn excuses, Y/n! You are to have all of your stuff out of this house by the end of tomorrow. I don't care if you end up having to live behind a dumpster in an alleyway; that's where sinners like you belong!" My father spat out with fire burning in his eyes.

Knowing my pleads wouldn't work with him, I turned to look at my mother. She wore a guilty look with her cheeks tinted red and her eyes holding worry. "Mom, please! You can't let him do this, I'm your daughter!"

She opened her mouth to speak, but quickly closed it when her eyes met my dad's stern ones. I knew her well enough to know that she wouldn't go against his orders ever. She shook her head at me, "Maybe if you would've came to us first and told us you wanted to date a boy, we could've worked this out. Instead you went behind our backs and not only started dating, but also," her eyes narrowed and she spat the word out like it was venom, "and with that Hockstetter boy! Lord, I pray for that boy to be saved." Her eyes clouded over in thought as they drifted to look at the used condom that lied on our kitchen table.

My mom had been cleaning my room when she found it lying in my trashcan. I meant to grab it out after Patrick threw it in there last night, but had completely forgot. Being the religious parents they are, my mother freaked and immediately went to my father for advice on it. That's how we ended up here, after I had come home from school to a surprise argument just waiting for me.

Tears pricked my eyes in rage. How could they do this to their own child? "Fine then! I'll just go stay with Patrick's family. They've treated me more like their daughter than you two ever have!" I screamed at them, then stormed to my room. I grabbed one of my over night bags and started stuffing it with necessary clothes as fast as I could.

I zipped the bag up and grabbed it in my hand, making my way toward the front door. I guess my words must've stunned my mom, because when I shoved past her she was still standing in the kitchen in shock, unmoving.

I swung the door open and turned back around, giving them both a look before turning my back on my father's spiteful eyes and slamming the door behind them.

I got a few looks by ongoing walkers and old ladies in their cars as I walked down the street. I don't blame them; the tears and sobs, that I couldn't help to keep back, that racked out of me and my stomping shoes that left echos around me were practically begging for attention from others.

When I finally reached my destination, I reached my fist up to rap against the door. After a second, I could hear footsteps coming toward the door before it swung open and a familiar face popped into my view. I gave Mrs. Hockstetter the best smile I could muster up at the moment. "Hi, Mrs. Hockstetter. Is Pat here?"

Her face contorted from confusion to horror as her eyes trailed across my red, tear stained face and the bag that swung in my hand. "Oh my, Y/n! Come in, come in." She ushered me in, my questioned having to have slipped pass her ears. "What happened, dear? What's wrong?" She took me into her embrace, questions coming out of her as quickly as they came to her.

As much as I was thankful for her worry, I really just needed to see Patrick right now so I tried my best to pry myself from her. "I'm fine, thank you. I just need to talk to Patrick at the moment."

"Oh," Mrs. Hockstetter gave me one more squeeze and a worried smile before dropping her arms. "He's in his room, darling." I nodded at her with a tight smile, then jogged up the stairs toward Patrick's room.

I knocked on the closed door, then reached up to wipe a stray tear.

"I said I'm not hungry right now, mom!"

"It's me..." Springs bounced then heavy footsteps closed in on me. Patrick swung the door open, a smirk on his face. It quickly dropped and was replaced with a tense expression, his body stiffening when he noticed the bag in my hand and the silent tears that fell down my cheeks.

Patrick's slender fingers wrapped around my forearm and he pulled me into his room, quickly closing the door right behind me. His hands moved to grip my shoulders to keep me in place as he bent his head down so our eyes were in line and locked on each other. "Tell me what happened. Who the fuck did this to you?"

"It-it's my parents," I broke as more sobs left me and I dropped my bag on the carpeted floor. "They kicked me out." I crumbled beneath him, falling to the ground as my knees folded out from under me. Patrick followed suit, kneeling next to me.

"Why the hell would they do that? Wouldn't that mess up their 'perfect, religious' image?" Patrick being an atheist, he liked to joke around about what my family believed in, always commenting about how stupid it all was.

"My mom was cleaning my room and found that damn fucking condom that you fucking threw in the trash the other day." I gave him a glare before continuing on. "And you know how they believe in celibacy and stuff, so they went off on me. Then my dad just kicked me out, said that he 'don't need no sinner' in his house." One of Pat's hands reached up and cupped my left cheek, wiping away some of the tears. "He's such a dick." I glared at the floor, biting down on my tongue to prevent myself from saying anymore thoughts I had on my father at the time.

Patrick chuckled at my comment, sitting down next to me and pulling me into his lap so that I sat perpendicular to him. He wrapped his lanky arms around my waist as he sat his chin on top of my head. "Don't worry, babe. You know you can stay here with me."

I let out a sigh, glad the tears had finally stopped. "I know, I know. I just... feel like I'd be intruding too much, ya know?"

Patrick scoffed, "As if. I'm a hundred percent sure my mother loves you more than me if we're being honest." I let out a small laugh, turning around in his arms so that I was straddling his lap. My heart warmed up at the sight of him and all my worries seemed to just wash away.

"So you're positive it'll be fine if I stay here?"

"I mean... I'm cool with it." Patrick smirked as a glint came to his eyes. "Just means I get way more time with you, alone, in my room."

"Uh-huh, is that so?" I quirked an eyebrow at him, grinning.

"Of course. You'll stay in my room and sleep with me- well you already do that last one, but yeah."

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