IMAGINE ♔ henry bowers

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TITLE: tease
REQUESTED BY: KieraMultifandom

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After telling my mom bye, I climbed out of the front seat of our car and slung my backpack over my shoulders. The hot, humid air hit my face and I squinted my eyes in the sun. Even though it was the middle of April, it surprisingly felt as if Derry, Maine was on fire. My eyes trailed through the crowd of shorts and tank-top wearing students til I landed on the four brutes I had decided to make friends with over the past year.

I rolled my eyes when I saw that they had encircled another kid in our grade, trapping the terrified boy in between them so that he couldn't run away; I made my way over there nonetheless though. Henry had just grabbed the bony boy by the shirt, when his eyes flicked up to meet mine.

Giving the boy another cold glare and a few words that I couldn't hear, Henry dropped him so that he landed on the ground with a thud. He scrambled away quickly as Patrick and Victor let him go by them, of course not without giving him their own stoic glares as he passed. Henry told the boys something, then the three of them quickly gathered their things and walked off together as Henry stayed in the same spot waiting for me to reach him.

Henry wasted no time getting to the point the minute I stood next to him. "Let's ditch."

"Oh wow, okay. No 'hi, y/n, you look good today' or morning kiss or anything. Just that." I retort sarcastically and Henry rolls his eyes at me before leaning down to peck my lips. I give him a smile when he pulls away, "Thank you. But, no. Last time I ditched with you guys, I got caught and was grounded for a month. "

Henry groaned, "Come on, you fucking worry too much. Besides, it won't be with the guys this time. Just us."

I bit my lip in thought. Alone time with just Henry and not the others does sound good. "Where would we even go?"

"Since it's like a hundred damn degrees out, I was thinkin' the Quarry?" Henry smirked, already knowing I was gonna cave in like I usually did with him.

I nodded, "Fine."

. . . . .

My anxiety seemed to finally kick in when we got to the Quarry and I realized something. Going to the Quarry meant going swimming, and going swimming meant taking off clothes. Despite us having been together for almost three months, we've never seen each other without clothes on. And I think Henry seemed to realize this too when his ears went slightly red and he side-glanced at me, his eyes trailing over my clothes. Despite the blush that rised to my cheeks, I turned toward Henry.

"Uh, just to make it clear- we're not skinny dipping." I quickly add, and that smug glint makes its way back into his eyes.

"Though, I wouldn't be opposed to the idea." Henry smirks, his tongue darting out to lick his bottom lip. I give him a blank stare, but the small smile that I can't help pops up and gives my act away.

Taking a step back, I kick my shoes off and bend down to take off my socks, then stick them inside my shoes so I don't loose them. I take a deep, nervous breath before grabbing the hem of my shirt and slipping it over my head. Once I toss it next to my shoes, I look back up only to see Henry still standing there and hadn't moved an inch.

His eyes were glued to my exposed skin, raking over my stomach and chest (he took an extra long look there). When he noticed that I stopped moving his eyes met mine before he looked away. I couldn't help but to notice the small blush that rose to his cheeks. Henry cleared his throat before taking off his own boots and shirt. Now it was my turn to be caught staring.

The smug glance he gave me was enough to snap me back to reality and I finished by sliding off my shorts. Once we both stood naked, besides undergarments, nobody said anything at first. Just the each of us taking in one another. Then Henry stepped toward me.

His hands gripped my hips and he pulled my body flush against his bare chest. Henry's lips attached to mine for a sweet kiss, that took no time at all to become rough. His tongue swiped against mine as my hands reached behind his neck to tug on his hair. He let out a groan before quickly moving his lips to my neck, sucking and biting at the skin.

I let out a moan at the contact and threw my head back, but stopped myself when I felt his member poke at lower stomach. I peeled him away from my body with a sheepish grin, "Nuh-uh. We came here to swim, remember?"

Henry's eyes turned to slits when I put a hand on his chest to stop him from pulling our bodies back together. "Swimming can wait."

"Nope. You're the one that suggested it, now lets go." I walked past him with a smirk and toward the edge of the water, practically feeling his stare on my ass.

"You're such a fucking tease, Y/n."

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