Time To Slay The King

Comenzar desde el principio

Sauron pointed at Touma, Index, Stiyl.. and all those who weren't servants present.. with the exception of Mikoto.

Sauron looked directly at Mikoto. "I apologize for the pain we've caused you.. but.. you must realize that this is for your benefit.. OUR benefit.."

"Our?" Mikoto said.

"The Servants! Us.. THE SERVANTS" said Sauron with eloquent passion in his voice. "Don't you see? We have superior power to these mortal beings.. and yet the Throne of Heroes would have us play SERVITUDE to them... Why shouldn't we be able to carve our own destiny? Why do we have play subserviance to these ingrates!?"

Sauron pointed at Mikoto. "You of ALL people should understand.. you know what it is like.. to be superior.. and yet have the freedoms of a human..  I hoped that Iselia's gift to you would help you realize that.. as you were my CHOSEN to be the emissionary for our cause.."

"Emissionary? What kind of cockledoodledoo bullshit is he spouting?" Accelerator spat. 

"I'm kind of confused myself." said Olga as Mash readied her shield looking cautious. 

"Well.. you see.. I don't wish to eliminate humans from the face of the world.. after all.. humans who have done great deeds go on to become Heroic Spirits.." said Sauron.. without them, we, the superior Servants.. would become an endangered species.. however.. humans must have a slight voice at least.. so a Demi-Servant would be MOST suitable to being an emissionary to the humans.. however.. Mash is far from perfect.. no offense dear girl.. but I needed somebody with unmatched willpower.. guts.. a loyalty unlike any other.. Mikoto Misaka.. fit that bill perfectly.. and so I chose her... I made SURE that the package containing the strongest of Heroic Spirits Arturia made it to her.. the charm containing a piece of the Round Table.. I knew she would have what it takes.."

Sauron held out a hand to Mikoto. "You are to be at my side.. don't you see? You are to help us free the Servants from their... Slavery... you know well as I... how each and every Servant is unique.. glorious.. wonderful.. the relationship you have developed with Mordred.. I have watched it.. it is beautiful... and look at what humans like the Director have done with that.. tormenting you.. experimenting with you.. only to use it.. "

"This entire time?" Mikoto stammered, backing away. "You've been.. been.."

"Who do you think issues out the Charms and picks who gets them for the Final Grail Wars? The Mage Association.. " said Sauron. "Aleister  managed to get the Association to accept his offer for Academy City to participate as a city faction..  but only because I allowed it.. he thinks he plays a clever game.. but I have been playing him.. you are to be my shining star.. you are not like the other Level Fives.. who grow fat on their own power.. you have what I need.. to lead these humans to SERVE us.. that is why you have the gift.. the powers of a Heroic Spirit.. surely you can see the logic behind my words.."

As Mikoto listened to this.. she could feel herself out of nowhere wanting to agree with Sauron.. but.. no.. these were not ideals she agreed with! Why!? 

"Mikoto.. " Mordred put a hand on her shoulder. "Get a grip.. and watch out.. this guy.. has a POWERFUL Charisma skill.. it's even stronger than Father's.. his words might be his most dangerous weapon.."

"Yeah.. gotta say.. just listening to  him makes me feel like I'm a cockroach that should be stomped on." Stiyl muttered, sweating. "Touma? It affecting you?"

"No.. actually I feel nothing.. guy seems like a bunch of crazy to me." said Touma. "Trying to start some sort of magic genocide.."

"Of course.. Imagine Breaker makes him immune." said Sauron with a sigh. "But with charisma or not.. I know what I say to be true... which is why I won't wait to convince you slowly.. no... you will all be my allies..  My Sister Heroic Spirits.. JOIN ME!!!!"

A Certain Magical Fate, Book 2: Red.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora