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When you heal, don't let him know

The last he could remember was pouting at his cereal, now he's dragging the limp Jungwoo around like a doll. This burst of joy came from his best friend Mark Lee. Lucas' heart couldn't take it when Mark told him he would be released. He wanted to see Mark's face, hug him, and thank everything that he was alive. The only thing making Lucas nervous was the fact that Jungwoo would see all of it. Knowing he can't hug his best friend anymore.

"Do you want to stay out here for a while or..." Lucas was making sure Jungwoo could handle anything apart in this situation. "He promised he wouldn't say anything stupid."

Jungwoo shook his head softly at Lucas. "I have to call my parents anyway. But I'll go in when I'm done." Lucas shot him two thumbs up before running to Mark's room as if his life depended on it.

When Lucas made it around the corner he passed quickly and turned to peek at Jungwoo. He expected to see the boy conversating with his parents, but instead, he witnessed him sitting down and browsing through the magazines while rolling his board side to side under his feet.

Lucas sighed loudly before he continued the walk.

"Hello, Sir. Can I help you find something?" A lady at the front desk stopped him as he strolled past her.

"Oh, sorry," he bowed. "Which room is Mark Lee in?" He asked although he already knew.

"Thirteen C. It'll be down the right hall to the very end." Lucas knocked once on the desk just for the heck of it. His long legs briskly took him down the hall to the sound of Mark's favorite cartoon playing in the distance. The noise ended the second his father closed the door behind him.

"Wong Yukhei!" Mark's dad practically yelled in his face. "Oh, your arm." Lucas gave the old man a hug anyway while laughing off the fact that he also hated his arm being restrained. "Mark's heart rate went up when you responded to his texts. The doctor had to unplug the monitor."

Lucas knew he was just being dramatic but he laughed anyway. The two stood outside catching up briefly. His father then whipped out a cigarette which took Lucas back a few years. He remembered when his dad quit smoking, but he guessed this only brought the urge on.

"Go talk to him before he drowns in that dumb show," Lucas bows once and emerges into Mark's room.

"Lucas you fool!" Mark's arms opened wide and so did Lucas'. "You look like you lost," Mark pouted just to make fun of him.

"Hey, I'm not the one still lying in a hospital bed," Lucas snapped which made Mark flip him off. "So that morphine, huh? Mind sharing any?" Mark punched the older on the arm as they both broke out in laughter.

"How do you think Kun died?" Mark blurted without making eye contact with Lucas but with the show in front of him instead. "I heard he like flew out the car or some crazy shit, but you know he didn't actually deserve it. I was the one carelessly driving."


"I'm only saying this because Jungwoo isn't here. So chill out. But tell me, did he become a hot mess at your feet?" Lucas shook his head. "He didn't shed a single tear!?"

Lucas rolled his eyes and laid down in the small squeeze next to Mark. "He told me he cried all night and he didn't have anything else to shed. I believe him you know. You can only cry so hard and so much. But I wouldn't trigger anything."

"Yeah, I know. I want to see him and apologize. The things I said and what I did-"

"Mark, now you just don't need to put stress on yourself so you can get the hell out of here. Umma wants to see you. She was in tears as we pulled up. When I got out, Jungwoo told me Umma said she was too weak and she'll come around when she's stronger. You know she always called you her second child."

"That's what I feel like- wait... Jungwoo? He's here."

"Yeah, I told you I was going to invite him?" Mark attempted to sit up slightly. "He's in the waiting room, I'll go get him."

"Yes, please."

"But Mark, don't ramble. Don't stress yourself out." Mark shoved him out of the bed harshly. "I'm older than you Mark, I will whack you with this weak arm."

"Try me. You annoy me so much I'd grow some human strength." Lucas shook his goofy friend off before exiting the room.

He jogged past the desk lady and straight out the double doors leading to the waiting room. Just when he thought he was about to take a seat next to Jungwoo and ask if he's ready, the ash brown hair colored boy looked up to see no one familiar.

The magazine Jungwoo had laid in its rightful place. The skateboard was gone and so was Jungwoo's entire presence. Lucas scrambled back to the desk lady which shocked her. "Did a guy about this high with dark brown hair ever walk through here?" She shrugged. "Come on, lady. He's young like me. Just tell me!"

"Uh, yes! Yes, I mean. He did but he turned back around minutes later." Lucas could only think of one thing that could make him leave.

He heard something.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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